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Inflation has been moderate in recent years and has not had a significant impact on our businesses.


We are exposed to market risk from changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and debt and equity prices, and with respect to our synthetic fuel business, changes in oil prices. We manage our exposure to these risks by monitoring available financing alternatives, through development and application of credit granting policies and by entering into derivative arrangements. We do not foresee any significant changes in either our exposure to fluctuations in interest rates or foreign exchange rates or how such exposure is managed in the future.

We are exposed to interest rate risk on our floating-rate notes receivable, our residual interests retained in connection with the sale of Timeshare segment notes receivable and the fair value of our fixed-rate notes receivable. Changes in interest rates also impact our floating-rate long-term debt and the fair value of our fixed-rate long-term debt.

We are also subject to risk from changes in debt and equity prices from our investments in debt securities and common stock, which have a carrying value of $55 million at year-end 2007, which we account for as available-for-sale securities under FAS No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities."

We use derivative instruments as part of our overall strategy to manage our exposure to market risks associated with fluctuations in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates. As a matter of policy, we do not use derivatives for trading or speculative purposes.

At year-end 2007, we were party to the following derivative instruments:

  • An interest rate swap agreement under which we receive a floating rate of interest and pay a fixed rate of interest. The swap modifies our interest rate exposure by effectively converting a note receivable with a fixed rate to a floating rate. The aggregate notional amount of the swap was $92 million and it matures in 2010.

  • Four outstanding interest rate swap agreements to manage interest rate risk associated with the residual interests we retain in conjunction with our timeshare note sales. Historically, we have been required by purchasers and/or rating agencies to utilize interest rate swaps to protect the excess spread within our sold-note pools. The aggregate notional amount of the swaps was $157 million, and they expire through 2022.

  • Option contracts to hedge the potential volatility of earnings and cash flows associated with variations in foreign exchange rates during 2008. The aggregate dollar equivalent of the notional amounts of the contracts was approximately $86 million, and they expire throughout 2008.

  • Forward contracts to hedge forecasted transactions for contracts denominated in foreign currencies. The aggregate dollar equivalent of the notional amounts was approximately $58 million, and they expire in 2008 and 2010.

  • Forward foreign exchange contracts to manage the foreign currency exposure related to certain monetary assets. The aggregate dollar equivalent of the notional amounts of the forward contracts was $133 million at year-end 2007.

  • Oil price hedges to manage the volatility associated with oil prices and the uncertainty surrounding the potential phase-out of tax credits in 2007. The hedges cover 19 million barrels of oil and expired on December 31, 2007.

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