Shelter and Food
Readiness for Hotel Careers
Vitality of Children
Embracing Diversity and People with Disabilities
Commitment to Human Rights

As a growing global employer, having a prepared talent pool is essential. We focus on programs serving young people from challenging backgrounds where our assistance often provides life-changing alternatives.

Together, The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation and Marriott International have committed $550,000 to expand the International Tourism Partnership's Youth Career Initiative, which combines classroom training with on-the-job experience in the hospitality industry for at-risk youth worldwide.

Marriott leaders provide career guidance, mentoring, and internships for students in the Marriott Scholars program, funded by The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation, which gives scholarship grants of up to $9,000 per year to each hospitality or culinary student selected through the Hispanic College Fund and United Negro College Fund.

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