Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Form 10K - page 131

Description of Document
Neurology Drug Discovery and Development Collaboration, Option and LicenseAgreement
between the Registrant and Biogen IdecMA Inc. dated December 10, 2012. Portions of this
exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential
treatment. (37)
HTTResearch, Development, Option and LicenseAgreement among the Registrant, F.
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and Hoffman-La Roche Inc. datedApril 8, 2013. Portions of this
exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential
treatment. (35)
Letter Agreement between the Registrant and CHDI Foundation, Inc. datedApril 8, 2013.
Portions of this exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request
for confidential treatment. (35)
Strategic Neurology Drug Discovery and Development Collaboration, Option and License
Agreement between the Registrant and Biogen IdecMA Inc. dated September 5, 2013.
Portions of this exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request
for confidential treatment. (34)
Amendment #1 to Collaboration, License and Development Agreement between the
Registrant andAstraZenecaAB datedAugust 13, 2013. Portions of this exhibit have been
omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (34)
Amendment Number Three to theAmended and Restated License and Collaboration
Agreement among the Registrant, AlnylamPharmaceuticals, Inc. and Regulus Therapeutics
Inc. datedAugust 2, 2013. Portions of this exhibit have been omitted and separately filed
with the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (34)
Letter Agreement Amendment between the Registrant and Biogen Idec International Holding
Ltd dated January 27, 2014. Portions of this exhibit have been omitted and separately filed
with the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (38)
Amendment No. 3 to the Research, Development and LicenseAgreement between the
Registrant and Glaxo Group Limited dated July 10, 2013. Portions of this exhibit have been
omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (39)
Amendment #4 to the Research, Development and LicenseAgreement between the
Registrant and Glaxo Group Limited datedApril 10, 2014. Portions of this exhibit have been
omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (39)
Amendment #5 to the Research, Development and LicenseAgreement among the Registrant,
Glaxo Group Limited and GlaxoSmithKline Intellectual Property Development Limited dated
June 27, 2014. Portions of this exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with the SEC
with a request for confidential treatment. (39)
Exclusive LicenseAgreement between the Registrant and the University of Massachusetts
dated January 14, 2010. Portions of this exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with
the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (40)
Amended and Restated Collaboration and LicenseAgreement between the Registrant and
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory dated October 26, 2011. Portions of this exhibit have been
omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential treatment. (40)
Amendment toAmended and Restated Collaboration and LicenseAgreement between the
Registrant and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory datedMarch 14, 2014. Portions of this
exhibit have been omitted and separately filed with the SECwith a request for confidential
treatment. (40)
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