ANZ at a glance


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Five-Year Summary 2008-2012
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Underlying Financial Performance[1]
Net interest income[2] ($m) 12,111 11,498 10,862 9,890 7,855
Other operating income[2] ($m) 5,468 5,314 4,920 4,477 4,440
Operating expenses ($m) (8,022) (7,718) (6,971) (6,068) (5,406)
Profit before credit impairment and income tax ($m) 9,557 9,094 8,811 8,299 6,889
Provision for credit impairment ($m) (1,246) (1,211) (1,820) (3,056) (2,090)
Income tax expense and non-controlling interest ($m) (2,300) (2,231) (1,966) (1,471) (1,373)
Underlying Profit[1] ($m) 6,011 5,652 5,025 3,772 3,426
Adjustments between statutory and underlying profit[1] ($m) (350) (297) (524) (829) (107)
Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company ($m) 5,661 5,355 4,501 2,943 3,319
Financial Position
Assets[2][3] ($m) 642,127 604,213 531,703 476,987 470,293
Net Assets ($m) 41,220 37,954 34,155 32,429 26,552
Tier 1 capital ratio[4] 10.80% 10.90% 10.10% 10.60% 7.70%
Return on average ordinary equity[5] 14.60% 15.30% 13.90% 10.30% 14.50%
Return on average assets[2] 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.60% 0.80%
Cost to income ratio[1] 45.60% 45.90% 44.20% 42.20% 44.00%
Shareholder Value—Ordinary Shares
Total return to shareholders (share price movement plus dividends) 35.40% (12.60%) 1.90% 40.30% (33.50%)
Market capitalisation ($m) 67,255 51,319 60,614 61,085 38,263
Dividend (cents) 145 140 126 102 136
Share price—30 September closing price $24.75 $19.52 $23.68 $24.39 $18.75
Other Information
Points of representation[6] 1,337 1,381 1,394 1,352 1,346
Number of employees (full-time equivalent)[7] 48,239 50,297 47,099 37,687 36,925
Number of shareholders[8] 438,958 442,943 411,692 396,181 376,813


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Five-Year Performance Summary 2008-2012
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Our Customers
Retail customer satisfaction
    —Australia[9] 76% 79.80% 79.90% 76.50% 77.10%
    —New Zealand[10] 89% 89% 85% 86% 88%
Institutional Relationship Strength Index ranking[11]
    —Australia 2 1 1(equal) 2 1
    —New Zealand 1 1 1 3 1
Our People
Total employees (FTE) 48,239 50,297[12] 47,099 37,687 36,925
Employee engagement survey results 70% 70% 64% 66%[13] 62%
Total women in management 37.80% 38.20% 38.40% 36.80% 37%
Investment in learning and development ($m) 42.5 50.2 47.5 43 58.5
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
    —Australia 1.5 2.1 2.2 1.9 2.4
        Australia[14] 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.4
    —New Zealand 0.9 1.8 2.2 1.5 2
    —APEA[15] 0.3
    —India[16] 0.3 0 0 0.6
Our Communities[17]
Total value of community investment ($m) 14.9 16.9 16.2 22.2 18.9
Volunteer hours 86,758 91,410 90,651 58,097 79,620
Our Environment[18]
GHG emissions[19] (tonnes CO2-e)
    —Australia 163,906 166,311[20] 170,299 161,985 154,335
    —New Zealand[21] 14,009 11,164 12,429 13,700 16,072
    —Asia Pacific, Europe and America 31,164 30,189 22,725
Paper consumption (tonnes per FTE)[22]
    —Australia 0.163 0.167 0.211 0.178 0.189
    —New Zealand 0.155 0.125 0.148 0.146 0.163