Operating Cash FlowGroup
Group Profit before JV and interest (5,077) (1,038) (6,115)
Exceptionals 4,501 709 5,210
Group operating profit before joint ventures (576) (329) (905)
Add: Depreciation 131 114 245
Add: Goodwill amortisation 349 82 431
(Increase)/decrease in working capital (170) 409 239
Operating Cash Flow before Cap Ex (266) 276 10
Net Capital Expenditure (204) (100) (304)
- of which Core Net Capital Expenditure (79) (84) (163)
Operating Cash Flow per quarterly trading statement (470) 176 (294)
Exceptional Property Sales Proceeds within Core - 116 116
Statutory Operating Cash Flow after Capital Expenditure (470) 292 (178)