Cammy Franks is representative of the hundreds of thousands of families nationwide involved in schooling more than 2 million children or doing supplemental study at home. The decision to homeschool brings up lots of questions and requires parents to make choices that will profoundly affect their child's educational success. Parents want to be sure they make the right choices, and they're looking for resources and advice to help them do it.

Mrs. Franks, Parent & Homeschooler:
"I want my son to learn more than he can in public school, to use all of his abilities. When I received The Home School catalog it was the answer to my prayers. Thank goodness there was a number to call for advice, because I really didn't know where to start. But the advisor I talked with was wonderful - I've given her name to other parents. The program she suggested has everything I need for the year, and within weeks of starting, my son has already learned more than he learned in school the entire year before."

Kirsten Bussard, Senior Advisor, The Home School:
"I love helping homeschoolers find answers and make good choices. For example, one day I had a conversation with a parent whose son was having difficulty with 3rd grade math. As we talked, I realized that her child had a hands-on learning style, so I recommended some math games along with a multiplication song cassette. Later I helped a student attending a public high school who wanted to excel in math. I recommended a book designed for self-study that wasn't too overwhelming so it wouldn't interfere with her other studies."