Return to 1998 Annual Report Index

Directors and Officers

Board of Directors
Verne G. Istock Chairman of the Board, Banc One Corporation Terence E. Adderley Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Cedric V. Fricke Professor Emeritus, The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Maureen A. Fay, O.P., Ph.D. President, University of Detroit Mercy B. Joseph White Dean, University of Michigan Business School

Senior Officers

Terence E. Adderley
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer

Carl T. Camden
Executive Vice President,
Field Operations,
Sales and Marketing

Tommi A. White
Executive Vice President,
Chief Administrative and
Technology Officer

James H. Bradley*
Senior Vice President,

Joan M. Brancheau
Senior Vice President and
General Manager, Strategic
Customer Relationships

Clayton B. Bullock
Senior Vice President and
Division General Manager

Theresa A. Dolbert
Senior Vice President,
Service Delivery

William K. Gerber
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer

Arlene G. Grimsley
Senior Vice President and
Division General Manager

Rolf E. Kleiner
Senior Vice President,
Science and Healthcare
Services Group

Alfredo Maselli
Senior Vice President and
Division General Manager

George M. Reardon
Senior Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary

Larry J. Seyfarth*
Senior Vice President,
Technical Services Group

Andrew R. Watt
Senior Vice President and
Division General Manager

Michael S. Webster
Senior Vice President and
Division General Manager


Judith A. Allen
Steven S. Armstrong
Craig Atkinson
Brian C. Ault
David W. Barthelmes
Robert A. Belec*
Walter B. Bellono
Dirk Bosma
Staffan Bruzelius*
Jeanine E. Burgen
Eileen M. Candels
Mary Ann Carey
Grahame C.H. Caswell
Carol Clement
James N. Conner
William R. Connor*
George Corona
Daniel T. Costello
Giuseppe Deregibus*
John P. Drew
Denise S. Dziuba
Shaun M. Fracassi
Jacqueline B. Gonzalez
Lelia L. Haas
Cullen F. Hanlon
William Heinz
Neal C. Hocklander
Thomas P. Huizenga
Carol J. Johnson
Richard Kaufmann
Donald P. Kingston
Jeannie D. Koziol
Wilma I. Lopez
John H. Lowry
Greg T. Lynch
Patricia A. Lynett
Kaye C. Manikowski
Christopher P.C. Mason
Timothy T. McClain
Charles M. McLaughlin
Dane D. McSpedon*
Lisa R. Miller
Gregory C. Morrow
Michael S. Morrow
Brian P. Nowak
Carolyn Palmer
Marcia K. Phillips
Juanita L. Pierman
Carole C. Pritchard
Antonina M. Ramsey
Nicholas F. Regaldi
Diane E. Reynolds
Robert E. Reynolds*
Thomas J. Richardson
Lori L. Sakorafis
Carleta Chadwick Sandeen
Aly A.E. Schambourg
Michelle C. Schorr
Charles E. Schwab*
Lynn G. Schwartz
Bradley J. Shaw
Michael P. Shebak
Debra S. Sheehan
Scott W. Smith
Stanley Smith
Glenn L. Sorrie
J. Leon Stanek
Richard G. Struble
Bernard J.G. Tommasini
Joseph E. Tori
Thomas L. Totte
Tami A. Troxell
Richard R. Widgren
Ingrid A. Wojtanowski
Tore Wold
Larry D. Worthen
Anton J. Zahn
William O. Zeidler
*Effective between January 1 and April 1, 1999.