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"Avere una rete globale ci per-mette di trasferire un'eccellente iniziativa, come il Partnered Staffing, da un paese all'altro. L'offerta di Partnered Staffing in Italia é un'opportunitą per differenziare Kelly nel mercato italiano e per aggiungere valore per i nostri clienti. Noi siamo la prima societą di fornitura di personale ad offrire questo tipo di servizio in Italia."

"Having a global network allows us to transfer a best practice, like Partnered Staffing, from one country to another. Offering Partnered Staffing in Italy is an opportunity to differentiate Kelly in the Italian market and to add value for our customers. We are the first staffing company to offer this type of service."

- Giuseppe Deregibus, General Manager Kelly Services Italy

When the government of Italy approved the law allowing temporary-help companies to operate, Kelly was the first company to place a temporary employee. Employees, companies and labor unions are embracing temporary help as a way to ease employment problems. Here, Allessandra Basso is working in a clerical assignment in the Milan office of J&H Marsh & McLennan, a global insurance company.

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