Table of Contents
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
Markets Poised for Next Wave of Growth
2002 Key Business Objectives
Despite Turbulent Year, Palm Retains Device and OS Leadership
The Palm Economy ? A Strong Competitive Advantage
Objective 1: Creating Two, Well-Capitalized, Profitable High-Growth Companies
Strong Sequential Revenue Growth
Steady State Gross Margins Should Rise to Approximately 30%
Aggressive E-Marketing Leads to Positive Web Sales Results
Disciplined Operating Expense Management
Focused Inventory Management
Objective 2: Executing on the Enterprise Strategy
Introducing the Palmô i705 Handheld
i705 - The Industryís Most Comprehensive Wireless Messaging Platform
i705 Strengthens Offerings for the Enterprise
i705 Provides Lowest TCO
Palm Wireless Messaging Server: ThinAir Acquisition Adds Software Capability
Palm Wireless Server Solution
First of Four Strategic Alliances is with CRM Leader Siebel Systems
Recent Enterprise Wins
Objective 3: Delivering the Best ARM-Based Solutions
Palm OS Provides Licensees with Smooth Transition to ARM
Palm Solutions Group Chooses Texas Instruments for ARM Products
Introduce a Broad Array of Wireless Technologies This Year
Why is ARM Transition So Significant?
Regaining Momentum
PPT Slide
Author: Cynthia Kondratieff