Table of Contents
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Overarching Objective
Clear, Focused Financial Objectives
Addressing Issues Upfront
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Operating Rates: Basic Building Blocks
Controlling our Destiny
Cash Flow History ($ Billions)
Debt as a Percent of Total Capital
Cash Flow Management
Union Carbide Asbestos Issue
Constancy of Purpose
Accelerated Implementation
Accelerated Implementation
Accelerated Implementation
A Powerful Portfolio
Dow’s Global Business Model:A Differentiating Way of Doing Business
An Integrated and Powerful Portfolio
A Balanced Portfolio
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Strong Performance Portfolio
Productivity AND Value Growth
Three Keys to Unlocking Value
The Carbide Merger
Cost Synergy Update
Growth Synergies:UCAR Emulsion Systems
M&A Integration Process
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Six Sigma EBIT Contribution
Optimizing Integration
New Businesses
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Comprehensive People Strategy
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Earnings Growth AccelerationPotential Margin Recovery
Dow Earnings Potential
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The Case for Investment
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