Debt to EBITDA and Interest CoverageRatio Calculations
EBITDA as used in the ratios above represents operating income less depreciation and amortization. This calculation of EBITDA may differ from the calculation used by other companies who may employ net income as “earnings” for these purposes. In calculating the ratios above, the Company has further excluded restructuring program charges, long-lived asset impairment, and the Motorsports contract termination charge because management believes the resulting comparison better reflects the Company's ongoing operations. Accordingly, comparability to like measures may be limited. The Company expects to incur further charges relating to its restructuring program in 2004 and may incur future long-lived asset impairment and Motorsports charges as well. The Company uses this non-GAAP adjusted earnings measure as a financial performance metric because we believe this is useful in analyzing and trending the performance of our business. This non-GAAP adjusted earnings measure does not represent a measurement of financial performance under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States ("GAAP") and for these purposes should not be considered as an alternative to net income as a measure of performance. We believe that the closest GAAP measure of financial performance to this non-GAAP adjusted earnings measure is net income and, as such, have provided a reconciliation to net income, together with a reconciliation to operating income.