Perhaps no single event captured the year - or our imaginations - more
than the delivery of Voyager of the Seas. When Voyager of the
Seas pulled into the Port of Miami-Dade on that beautiful morning
of November 11, there was no mistaking that everyone cheering from her
decks and waving welcome banners from the piers was witnessing history
being made.
Few superlatives do Voyager of the Seas justice. Journalists have
called it "eye-popping", "a destination in itself"
and "more kid-friendly than a cocker spaniel." Travel agents
and guests have responded in more tangible ways, filling a seven-night
cruise December 19 with a record 3,404 guests, and, a week later, topping
that with 3,497 guests. It was a nice gift for the holidays. It
was also validation that, perhaps, we had started a revolution.