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Gary M. Cohen
President, BD Medical Systems


“BD is on the eve of a revolution that might only be surpassed in company history by the shift to disposable medical devices in the early 1960s. The health care industry is poised for and, in fact, has already begun a wholesale changeover to safety-engineered devices designed to protect health care workers from sharps injuries. We are very well prepared for this major change. Based on more than 10 years of development effort, BD is the only company with a complete range of highly effective safety-engineered devices. We also have the resources and service capabilities needed to support hospitals and other health care facilities during the transition. These capabilities position BD to help lead a movement that is unquestionably the right thing to do, and from which BD will benefit.

“Currently, about 20 percent of the U.S. market has converted to safety-engineered products. Within the next few years, we believe the market will be 85 percent converted. The primary impetus to date has been state legislation. This is now expanding to a national level via recent OSHA regulatory action and anticipated federal legislation that will effectively require the use of safety-engineered devices in all U.S. health care facilities. Similar activities, at an earlier stage, are also taking hold in Europe.

“Our first safety-engineered product, the Safety-Lok syringe, reached the market in 1988. We were in the lead at the time, and we have steadily enhanced our position so that we now have the most complete line in the industry: over 220 safety-engineered devices. In fact, BD is by far the leading patent holder and innovator for safety-engineered devices, a result of many years of diligent product development and steady investment.

“On the point of investment, we are committing hundreds of millions of dollars to capital expansion for safety-engineered products in the coming years. This will ensure that we have the capacity to meet market demand. It will also ensure long-term competitive advantage in cost and quality-traditional BD strengths. The payback more than justifies the commitment, as we project revenues for safety-engineered devices to grow more than threefold by 2004.

“This year, we added significant new technologies to our portfolio. An agreement with Med-Design Corp. will result in further advances in spring-based needle retraction technology for infusion therapy and blood collection applications. Our acquisition of Saf-T-Med provides the most effective spring-based safety technology available for syringes.

“In an age of sophisticated, breakthrough technologies, safety technology seems deceptively simple. The safety-engineered products themselves appear similar to their conventional counterparts, and are designed to function exactly like standard medical devices, while reducing the risk of accidental sharps injury. Yet, providing billions of low-cost, safety-engineered devices that have many added features and moving parts is anything but simple. This is where our proprietary design, manufacturing, marketing and process automation capabilities provide a competitive edge.

“While safety-engineered devices represent our most significant near-term opportunity, a broad portfolio of promising technologies is essential for the future.

“Several factors are driving our development of novel, or non-traditional, drug delivery platforms. One of the most far-reaching is new drugs requiring innovative delivery techniques. The drug delivery industry reached $1 billion in worldwide revenues in 1997, but by 2007 we expect it to grow to $4.5-$6.0 billion in revenues-a compound annual growth rate of 16-20 percent.

“We are positioning ourselves for a future in which we extend our know-how and experience in drug delivery to build systems that carry the drug through its entire chain of delivery-from the pharmaceutical company’s formulation process to delivery and, ultimately, disposal.

“BD is developing several technologies that will reinvent the administration of medication, making it less invasive and driving higher levels of patient safety and compliance. Our AccuSpray nasal spray system, a proprietary design based on our HYPAK syringe technology, is being developed in conjunction with Aviron’s Flu-Mist nasal vaccine for influenza. Currently in clinical trials, this system painlessly administers the annual flu shot and delivers a precise aerosol spray to the nasal mucosal tissue.

“To deliver medication through the skin, transdermal patches eliminate the needle altogether and provide a sustained rate of drug delivery, eliminating many of the side effects of pills and tablets. We’re collaborating with several pharmaceutical companies on promising applications and will be entering Phase III clinical trials in early 2000.

“The ability to deliver vaccines in new ways is reshaping pharmaceutical companies’ pipelines. New insights into ways to activate the human immune system and modern microchip technology are behind the change. One of the methods BD is developing consists of microscopic needles arrayed on a small patch or silicon chip. Still early in development, microdelivery opens up promising new alternatives to traditional injection that can more precisely deliver potent and targeted agents to individual cells.”


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