+ Cover
+ Corporate Overview
+ Financial Highlights
+ Letter to Our Shareholders
+ 2003 Portfolio Expansion
+ Acquisitions
+ New Development
+ Redevelopment
+ 2003 Portfolio Map
+ Officers
+ Financial Review
+ Management's Discussion & Analysis of Financial Condition & Results of Operations
+ Independent Auditors' Report
+ Statements of Consolidated Income & Comprehensive Income
+ Consolidated Balance Sheets
+ Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
+ Statements of Consolidated Shareholders' Equity
+ Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
+ Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
+ Note 2. Newly Adopted Accounting Pronouncements
+ Note 3. Derivatives and Hedging
+ Note 4. Debt
+ Note 5. Preferred Shares Subject to Mandatory Redemption
+ Note 6. Preferred Shares
+ Note 7. Common Shares
+ Note 8. Property
+ Note 9. Discontinued Operations
+ Note 10. Related Party Transactions
+ Note 11. Investment in Real Estate Joint Ventures
+ Note 12. Federal Income Tax Considerations
+ Note 13. Leasing Operations
+ Note 14. Commitments and Contingencies
+ Note 15. Fair Value of Financial Instruments
+ Note 16. Share Options and Awards
+ Note 17. Bankruptcy Remote Properties
+ Note 18. Employee Benefit Plans
+ Note 19. Segment Information
+ Note 20. Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)
+ Selected Financial Data
+ Board of Trust Managers & Officers
+ Shareholder Information & Services
+ Company Directory
+ Back Cover