Comcast Reports Second Quarter 2008 Results
July 30, 2008 - Financial Tables

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                   TABLE 1
                Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations

                                          Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended
    (in millions, except per share data)       June 30,          June 30,
                                             2008     2007    2008     2007
    Revenues                                 $8,553  $7,712  $16,942  $15,100

       Operating expenses                     3,091   2,754    6,198    5,513
       Selling, general and administrative
        expenses                              2,111   1,946    4,219    3,812
                                              5,202   4,700   10,417    9,325
    Operating cash flow                       3,351   3,012    6,525    5,775

       Depreciation expense                   1,371   1,252    2,761    2,477
       Amortization expense                     230     292      459      569
                                              1,601   1,544    3,220    3,046
    Operating income                          1,750   1,468    3,305    2,729

    Other income (expense)
       Interest expense                        (618)   (550)  (1,239)  (1,118)
       Investment income (loss), net            (70)    126        9      300
       Equity in net (losses) income of
        affiliates, net                         (13)    (16)     (48)     (37)
       Other income (expense)                    25       1      293      514
                                               (676)   (439)    (985)    (341)
    Income before income taxes and minority
     interest                                 1,074   1,029    2,320    2,388

    Income tax expense                         (455)   (453)    (963)    (979)

    Income before minority interest             619     576    1,357    1,409

    Minority interest                            13      12        7       16

    Net income                                 $632    $588   $1,364   $1,425

    Diluted earnings per common share         $0.21   $0.19    $0.46    $0.45

    Adjusted earnings per common share(1)     $0.21   $0.19    $0.41    $0.36

    Dividends declared per common share     $0.0625    $  -  $0.1250     $  -

    Diluted weighted-average number of
     common shares                            2,970   3,147    2,995    3,155

    (1) Please refer to Table 7-B for a reconciliation of adjusted net income
        and earnings per share.

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                   TABLE 2
                     Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

    (in millions)                          June 30,        December 31,
                                            2008              2007

     Current Assets
       Cash and cash equivalents            $1,767              $963
       Investments                             295                98
       Accounts receivable, net              1,665             1,645
       Other current assets                    920               961
          Total current assets               4,647             3,667

     Investments                             5,366             7,963

     Property and equipment, net            23,833            23,624

     Franchise rights                       59,449            58,077

     Goodwill                               15,074            14,705

     Other intangible assets, net            4,614             4,739

     Other noncurrent assets, net              914               642

                                          $113,897          $113,417


     Current Liabilities
       Accounts payable and accrued expenses
        related to trade creditors          $3,027            $3,336
       Accrued expenses and other current
        liabilities                          3,173             3,121
       Current portion of long-term debt     1,889             1,495
          Total current liabilities          8,089             7,952

     Long-term debt, less current portion   30,624            29,828

     Deferred income taxes                  27,292            26,880

     Other noncurrent liabilities            7,207             7,167

     Minority interest                         348               250

     Stockholders' equity                   40,337            41,340
                                          $113,897          $113,417

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                   TABLE 3
                Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

     (in millions)                                    Six Months Ended
                                                          June 30,
                                                      2008        2007

       Net cash provided by operating activities      $4,928     $3,907

       Proceeds from borrowings                        2,009        590
       Retirements and repayments of debt               (831)    (1,320)
       Repurchases of common stock                    (1,979)    (1,252)
       Dividends paid                                   (185)         -
       Issuances of common stock                          42        334
       Other                                            (135)        52

         Net cash provided by (used in) financing
          activities                                  (1,079)    (1,596)

       Capital expenditures                           (2,731)    (3,058)
       Cash paid for software and other intangible
        assets                                          (245)      (229)
       Acquisitions, net of cash acquired               (331)      (770)
       Proceeds from sales of investments                320      1,288
       Purchases of investments                          (41)       (52)
       Proceeds from sales (purchases) of
        short-term investments                             -         56
       Other                                             (17)        43

         Net cash provided by (used in) investing
          activities                                  (3,045)    (2,722)

     Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents    804       (411)

     Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period      963      1,239

     Cash and cash equivalents, end of period         $1,767       $828

                                   TABLE 4
          Calculation of Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow

     (in millions)                        Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended
                                                June 30,           June 30,
                                             2008     2007     2008     2007
    Net Cash Provided by Operating
     Activities                             $2,669   $1,942   $4,928   $3,907
    Capital Expenditures                    (1,300)  (1,604)  (2,731)  (3,058)
    Cash Paid for Capitalized Software         (88)     (86)    (187)    (174)
    Cash Paid for Other Intangible
     Assets                                    (31)     (25)     (58)     (55)
    Nonoperating and Nonrecurring items,
     net of tax:
       Payment of Tax on Nonoperating Items    228      141      228      190
       Impact of Economic Stimulus package(2) (315)       -     (315)       -
    Free Cash Flow                           1,163      368    1,865      810
    Cash Paid Interest                         408      416    1,116    1,078
    Unlevered Free Cash Flow                $1,571     $784   $2,981   $1,888

    (1) See Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures in Table 7 for the
        definition of Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow.
    (2) Our definition of Free Cash Flow remains unchanged and specifically
        eliminates any impact from the Economic Stimulus package.  For the 2nd
        quarter 2008, Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities included a
        $315 million benefit from the Economic Stimulus package.  This amount
        has been excluded from Free Cash Flow to provide an appropriate

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                   TABLE 5
                 Pro Forma Financial Data by Business Segment
     (dollars in millions)                                    Corporate
                                         Cable  Programming(2)  Other   Total
     Three Months Ended June 30, 2008
     Revenues                            $8,100    $366         $87    $8,553
     Operating Cash Flow                 $3,362     $89       ($100)   $3,351
     Operating Income (Loss)             $1,825     $44       ($119)   $1,750
     Operating Cash Flow Margin            41.5%   24.2%         NM      39.2%
     Capital Expenditures (3)            $1,254      $6         $40    $1,300

     Three Months Ended June 30, 2007
     Revenues                            $7,557    $334         $48    $7,939
     Operating Cash Flow                 $3,124     $75        ($93)   $3,106
     Operating Income (Loss)             $1,614     $29       ($119)   $1,524
     Operating Cash Flow Margin            41.3%   22.7%         NM      39.1%
     Capital Expenditures (3)            $1,615     $10          $8    $1,633

     Six Months Ended June 30, 2008
     Revenues                           $16,016    $729        $197   $16,942
     Operating Cash Flow                 $6,504    $202       ($181)   $6,525
     Operating Income (Loss)             $3,419    $103       ($217)   $3,305
     Operating Cash Flow Margin            40.6%   27.7%         NM      38.5%
     Capital Expenditures (3)            $2,609     $10        $112    $2,731

     Six Months Ended June 30, 2007
     Revenues                           $14,769    $636        $136   $15,541
     Operating Cash Flow                 $6,000    $140       ($189)   $5,951
     Operating Income (Loss)             $3,013     $47       ($230)   $2,830
     Operating Cash Flow Margin            40.6%   22.0%         NM      38.3%
     Capital Expenditures (3)            $3,095     $14         $15    $3,124

    (1) See Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures in Table 7.  Historical
        financial data by business segment, in accordance with generally
        accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP), is
        available in the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.  All
        percentages are calculated based on actual amounts. Minor differences
        may exist due to rounding.

    (2) Programming includes our national networks E! Entertainment Television
        and Style Network (E! Networks), The Golf Channel, VERSUS and G4.

    (3) Our Cable segment's capital expenditures are comprised of the
        following categories:

                                          2Q08    2Q07      YTD 2Q08  YTD 2Q07
            Customer Premise Equipment
             (CPE)                        $687    $804        $1,506    $1,555
            Scalable Infrastructure         55     113           114       221
            Line Extensions                 52     100           100       188
            Support Capital                 57     110           111       180
            Upgrades (Capacity Expansion)   25      27            45        49
            Business Services               48      21            99        38
                                           924   1,175         1,975     2,231
            CPE (Drop Replacements)         73      77           132       144
            Scalable Infrastructure        115     151           217       326
            Support Capital                 58      99           101       162
            Upgrades                        58      90           118       199
                                           304     417           568       831

         Discretionary                      26      23            66        33

         Total                          $1,254  $1,615        $2,609    $3,095

        CPE includes costs incurred at the customer residence to secure new
        customers, revenue units and additional bandwidth revenues (e.g.
        digital converters). Scalable infrastructure includes costs, not CPE
        or network related, to secure growth of new customers, revenue units
        and additional bandwidth revenues or provide service enhancements
        (e.g. headend equipment).  Line extensions include network costs
        associated with entering new service areas (e.g. fiber/coaxial cable).
        Support capital includes costs associated with the replacement or
        enhancement of non-network assets due to obsolescence and wear out
        (e.g. non-network equipment, land, buildings and vehicles).  Upgrades
        include costs to enhance or replace existing fiber/coaxial cable
        networks, including network improvements. Business Services includes
        fiber/coax extension, electronics, CPE and costs to secure new

        Management evaluates capital expenditures by categorizing investments
        into three groups:  Growth, Maintenance and Discretionary.  Growth is
        directly tied to revenue generation and represents the costs required
        to secure new customers, revenue units or additional bandwidth
        revenues. Maintenance includes investments that allow the company to
        maintain its competitive position and provide a foundation for growth.
        Discretionary includes investments that lay the groundwork for future
        products and services, such as our investments in interactive
        advertising, cross-platform product development or switched digital

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                   TABLE 6
                  Pro Forma Data - Cable Segment Components
                              (Unaudited) (1)(2)

    (dollars in millions, except per    Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
      subscriber data)                       June 30,            June 30,
                                          2008     2007      2008      2007
        Video (3)                         $4,726   $4,597    $9,432    $9,088
        High-speed Internet                1,792    1,632     3,542     3,201
        Phone                                640      425     1,227       781
        Advertising                          399      410       743       732
        Other (4)                            316      281       621       549
        Franchise fees                       227      212       451       418
    Total Revenues *                      $8,100   $7,557   $16,016   $14,769

    Operating Cash Flow                   $3,362   $3,124    $6,504    $6,000
    Operating Income                      $1,825   $1,614    $3,419    $3,013
    Operating Cash Flow Margin              41.5%    41.3%     40.6%     40.6%
    Capital Expenditures                  $1,254   $1,615    $2,609    $3,095

    * Total Revenues include revenue from Business Services of $131 million in
      2Q08 and $95 million in 2Q07, and $251 million in YTD 2008 and $182
      million in YTD 2007.

                                              2Q08        1Q08        2Q07
        Homes Passed (000's)                  50,096      49,902      49,232
        Basic Subscribers (000's)             24,553      24,691      24,904
        Basic Penetration                       49.0%       49.5%       50.6%
        Quarterly Net Basic Subscriber
         Additions (000's)                      (138)        (57)       (101)

        Digital Subscribers (000's)           16,335      16,015      14,489
        Digital Penetration                     66.5%       64.9%       58.2%
        Quarterly Net Digital Subscriber
         Additions (000's)                       320         494         823
        Digital Set-Top Boxes                 26,345      25,856      23,185

        Monthly Average Video Revenue per
         Basic Subscriber                     $63.98      $63.46      $61.40

        High-Speed Internet
        "Available" Homes (000's)             49,548      49,548      48,767
        Subscribers (000's)                   14,357      14,078      12,771
        Penetration of "Available" Homes        28.9%       28.4%       26.2%
        Quarterly Net Subscriber Additions
         (000's)                                 278         492         339
        Monthly Average Revenue per
         Subscriber                           $42.01      $42.18      $43.19

          Comcast Digital Voice
          "Available" Homes (000's)           45,143      44,082      38,873
          Subscribers (000's)                  5,643       5,088       3,150
          Penetration of "Available" Homes      12.5%       11.5%        8.1%
          Quarterly Net Subscriber Additions
           (000's)                               555         639         692
          Monthly Average Revenue per
           Subscriber                         $39.48      $40.24      $42.66

          Circuit Switched Phone
           "Available" Homes (000's)           2,000       5,029       8,995
           Subscribers (000's)                    10          66         443
           Penetration of "Available" Homes      0.5%        1.3%        4.9%
           Quarterly Net Subscriber Additions
            (000's)                              (56)       (110)       (117)
           Monthly Average Revenue per
            Subscriber                        $36.64      $40.61      $44.38

        Total Revenue Generating Units
         (000's) (5)                          60,899      59,939      55,756
        Total Quarterly Net Additions (000's)    960       1,458       1,636

        Total Monthly Average Revenue per
         Basic Subscriber                    $109.66     $106.74     $100.94

    (1) See Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures in Table 7.  All percentages
        are calculated based on actual amounts.  Minor differences may exist
        due to rounding.

    (2) Pro forma financial data includes the results of Comcast SportsNet Bay
        Area and Comcast SportsNet New England acquired on June 30, 2007, the
        cable system acquired from Patriot Media Holdings, LLC on August 31,
        2007, and the cable systems resulting from the dissolution of the
        Insight Midwest Partnership on January 1, 2008.  Pro forma results are
        presented as if the acquisitions and dispositions were effective on
        January 1, 2007.  The net impact of these transactions was an increase
        of 765,000 basic cable subscribers.

    (3) Video revenues consist of our basic, expanded basic, digital,
        premium, pay-per-view and equipment services.

    (4) Other revenues include regional sports programming networks,
        residential video installation revenues, guide revenues, commissions
        from electronic retailing, other product offerings and revenues of our
        digital media center.

    (5) Represents the sum of basic and digital video, high-speed Internet and
        net phone subscribers, excluding additional outlets.  Subscriptions to
        DVR and/or HDTV services do not result in additional RGUs.

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                   TABLE 7

    Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures

Operating Cash Flow is the primary basis used to measure the operational strength and performance of our businesses. Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow are additional performance measures used as indicators of our ability to service and repay debt, make investments and return capital to investors, through stock repurchases and dividends. We also adjust certain historical data on a pro forma basis following certain acquisitions or dispositions to enhance comparability.

Operating Cash Flow is defined as operating income before depreciation and amortization, excluding impairment charges related to fixed and intangible assets and gains or losses on sale of assets, if any. As such, it eliminates the significant level of non-cash depreciation and amortization expense that results from the capital intensive nature of our businesses and intangible assets recognized in business combinations, and is unaffected by our capital structure or investment activities. Our management and Board of Directors use this financial measure in evaluating our consolidated operating performance and the operating performance of all of our operating segments. This metric is used to allocate resources and capital to our operating segments and is a significant performance measure in our annual incentive compensation programs. We believe that Operating Cash Flow is also useful to investors as it is one of the bases for comparing our operating performance with other companies in our industries, although our measure of Operating Cash Flow may not be directly comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

As Operating Cash Flow is the measure of our segment profit or loss, we reconcile it to operating income, the most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP), in the business segment footnote of our quarterly and annual financial statements. Therefore, we believe our measure of Operating Cash Flow for our business segments is not a "non-GAAP financial measure" as contemplated by Regulation G adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Consolidated Operating Cash Flow is a non-GAAP financial measure.

Free Cash Flow, which is a non-GAAP financial measure, is defined as "Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities" (as stated in our Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows) reduced by capital expenditures and cash paid for intangible assets; and adjusted for any payments related to certain nonoperating items, net of estimated tax benefits (such as income taxes on investment sales, and nonrecurring payments related to income tax and litigation contingencies of acquired companies). Unlevered Free Cash Flow is Free Cash Flow before cash paid interest. We believe that Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow are also useful to investors as the basis for comparing our performance and coverage ratios with other companies in our industries, although our measure of Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

Pro forma data is used by management to evaluate performance when certain acquisitions or dispositions occur. Historical data reflects results of acquired businesses only after the acquisition dates while pro forma data enhances comparability of financial information between periods by adjusting the data as if the acquisitions or dispositions occurred at the beginning of the prior year. Our pro forma data is only adjusted for the timing of acquisitions or dispositions and does not include adjustments for costs related to integration activities, cost savings or synergies that have been or may be achieved by the combined businesses. We believe our pro forma data is not a non-GAAP financial measure as contemplated by Regulation G.

In certain circumstances we also present "adjusted" data, to exclude certain gains, losses or other charges, net of tax (such as from the sales of investments or dispositions of businesses). This "adjusted" data is a non-GAAP financial measure. We believe, among other things, that the "adjusted" data may help investors evaluate our ongoing operations and can assist in making meaningful period-over-period comparisons.

Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered as substitutes for operating income (loss), net income (loss), net cash provided by operating activities or other measures of performance or liquidity reported in accordance with GAAP. Additionally, in the opinion of management, our pro forma data is not necessarily indicative of future results or what results would have been had the acquired businesses been operated by us after the assumed earlier date.

We provide reconciliations of Consolidated Operating Cash Flow in Table 1, Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow in Table 4, Pro Forma in Table 7-A and Adjusted Data in Table 7-B.

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                  TABLE 7-A
  Reconciliation of GAAP to Pro Forma(1) Financial Data by Business Segment


    (in millions)                                          Corporate,
                                                            Other and
                                       Cable  Programming Eliminations  Total

    Three Months Ended June 30, 2008
    Revenue                             $8,100    $366       $87       $8,553

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)     4,738    277       187        5,202
      Operating Cash Flow                $3,362    $89     ($100)      $3,351
      Depreciation and Amortization       1,537     45        19        1,601
      Operating Income (Loss)            $1,825    $44     ($119)      $1,750

      Capital Expenditures               $1,254     $6       $40       $1,300

    Three Months Ended June 30, 2007
    Revenue                              $7,330   $334       $48       $7,712

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)     4,299    259       142        4,700
      Operating Cash Flow                $3,031    $75      ($94)      $3,012
      Depreciation and Amortization       1,471     46        27        1,544
      Operating Income (Loss)            $1,560    $29     ($121)      $1,468

      Capital Expenditures               $1,586    $10        $8       $1,604

    Six Months Ended June 30, 2008
    Revenue                             $16,016   $729      $197      $16,942

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)     9,512    527       378       10,417
      Operating Cash Flow                $6,504   $202     ($181)      $6,525
      Depreciation and Amortization       3,085     99        36        3,220
      Operating Income (Loss)            $3,419   $103     ($217)      $3,305

      Capital Expenditures               $2,609    $10      $112       $2,731

    Six Months Ended June 30, 2007
    Revenue                             $14,328   $636      $136      $15,100
      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)     8,504    496       325        9,325
      Operating Cash Flow                $5,824   $140     ($189)      $5,775
      Depreciation and Amortization       2,911     93        42        3,046
      Operating Income (Loss)            $2,913    $47     ($231)      $2,729

      Capital Expenditures               $3,029    $14       $15       $3,058

                                             Cable                  Total

    (in millions)                     Pro Forma              Pro Forma   Total
                                     Adjustments  Pro Forma Adjustments   Pro
                                       (1) (2)     Cable      (1) (2)    Forma
    Three Months Ended June 30, 2008
    Revenue                               $-       $8,100       $-      $8,553

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)      -        4,738        -       5,202
      Operating Cash Flow                 $-       $3,362       $-      $3,351
      Depreciation and Amortization        -        1,537        -       1,601
      Operating Income (Loss)             $-       $1,825       $-      $1,750

      Capital Expenditures                $-       $1,254       $-      $1,300

    Three Months Ended June 30, 2007
    Revenue                              $227      $7,557      $227     $7,939

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)     134       4,433       133      4,833
      Operating Cash Flow                 $93      $3,124       $94     $3,106
      Depreciation and Amortization        39       1,510        38      1,582
      Operating Income (Loss)             $54      $1,614       $56     $1,524

      Capital Expenditures                $29      $1,615       $29     $1,633

    Six Months Ended June 30, 2008
    Revenue                                $0     $16,016        $0    $16,942

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)      -        9,512         -     10,417
      Operating Cash Flow                 $0       $6,504        $0     $6,525
      Depreciation and Amortization        -        3,085         -      3,220
      Operating Income (Loss)             $0       $3,419        $0     $3,305

      Capital Expenditures                $0       $2,609        $0     $2,731

    Six Months Ended June 30, 2007
    Revenue                             $441      $14,769      $441    $15,541

      Operating Expenses (excluding
       depreciation and amortization)    265        8,769       265      9,590

      Operating Cash Flow               $176       $6,000      $176     $5,951
      Depreciation and Amortization       76        2,987        75      3,121
      Operating Income (Loss)           $100       $3,013      $101     $2,830

      Capital Expenditures               $66       $3,095       $66     $3,124

    (1) Pro forma data is adjusted only for timing of acquisitions or
        dispositions and does not include adjustments for costs related to
        integration activities, cost savings or synergies that have been or
        may be achieved by the combined businesses.  Pro forma results are
        presented as if the acquisitions and dispositions were effective on
        January 1, 2007.  Minor differences may exist due to rounding.

    (2) Total Pro Forma adjustments and Cable Pro Forma adjustments for 2007
        include the results of Comcast SportsNet Bay Area and Comcast
        SportsNet New England, the cable system acquired from Patriot Media
        Holdings, LLC and the cable systems resulting from the dissolution of
        the Insight Midwest Partnership.

                             COMCAST CORPORATION
                                  TABLE 7-B
             Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted Net Income

                                             Three Months Ended
                                                  June 30,
                                                                     2008 vs.
                                         2008          2007          Growth(%)
    (in millions, except per
     share data)
                                      $     EPS(1)   $      EPS(1)  $   EPS(1)
    Net Income                       $632   $0.21    $588   $0.19    8%    11%

    Adjustments                         -       -       -       -    -      -

    Adjusted Net Income              $632   $0.21    $588   $0.19    8%    11%

                                             Six Months Ended
                                                 June 30,
                                                                     2008 vs.
                                         2008          2007          Growth(%)

                                      $     EPS(1)   $    EPS(1)   $    EPS(1)
    Net Income                     $1,364   $0.46  $1,425  $0.45  (4%)    2%

      Gain related to the dissolution
       of the Texas/Kansas City Cable
       Partnership, net of tax(2)       -       -    (300) (0.09)   NM    NM
      Gain related to the dissolution
       of the Insight Midwest
       partnership, net of tax(3)   (144)   (0.05)      -      -    NM    NM

    Adjusted Net Income           $1,220    $0.41  $1,125  $0.36    9%   14%

    (1) Based on diluted average number of common shares for the respective
        periods as presented in Table 1.

    (2) 2007 Net Income includes a one-time gain, net of tax, related to the
        dissolution of the Texas/Kansas City Cable Partnership.

    (3) 2008 Net Income includes a one-time gain, net of tax, related to the
        dissolution of the Insight Midwest Partnership.