  Our spice buyers work with growers around the world to procure consistent high-quality ingredients.
  McCormick is an industry leader in designing techniques to test the quality and consistency of our ingredients.



   As we continue up the learning curve with our systems, I have challenged employees across all locations and functions to increase their proficiency and apply these tools in new ways. I am convinced that this will lead to additional insights about our business and opportunities to lower costs.

GORDON > In 2008 we are changing our incentive program to align everyone in the organization with working capital management. We are adding a “capital cost” for the amount of assets, net of liabilities, that are managed by our operating units.
    Our business generates a significant amount of cash. We can take this to the next level with better supply chain management, which means lower costs and better management of our working capital.

What is McCormick doing in the area of sustainability?

ALAN> Our business was built on a cultural foundation of concern for one another. For 75 years, our Multiple Management philosophy has encouraged the involvement of employees in community service activities as well as at all levels of the Company. We are open in our communications, value diversity among our employees and provide many opportunities for learning and development.


   Global sourcing is a core competency for our business. We firmly believe that providing assistance to the communities that supply our raw materials and manufacture our products will enable them to improve their productivity and their living conditions. For more than 20 years we have provided training for agriculture and processing of spices and herbs and have improved food safety, quality and yield. This is critical to our continued growth and success.

LAWRENCE > Having led our consumer business in the U.S. and now both our consumer and industrial businesses in Europe, I am keenly aware of our reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality products. This is a real advantage as we compete against smaller suppliers that do not have a close connection to the source of their raw materials or the same degree of quality assurance that we can provide.

ALAN> In 2007 we set goals to monitor our impact on the environment. We have introduced metrics that will measure our progress in several key areas: solid waste reduction, energy use reduction, lower greenhouse gas emissions and the development of fair trade for selected commodities.
    At McCormick, we don’t view sustainability as a side issue, but as something that is an integral part of our business and essential to our success. 

McCormick & Company 2007 Annual Report        10