PART II Item 8.
Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Note 13. Contingencies

The Company filed petitions with the U.S. Tax Court on March 26, 2001 and January 14, 2003 in response to assertions by the IRS that the Company owed additional tax for fiscal years 1996 through 1999. The Company filed a petition with the U.S. Tax Court on January 16, 2004, in response to assertions by the IRS that the Company owes additional tax for fiscal year 2000 (see Note 11).  Other than these petitions, Xilinx knows of no legal proceedings contemplated by any governmental authority or agency against the Company.

In March 2002, Aldec, Inc. (Aldec) filed a complaint in the United States District Court, Northern District of California, alleging copyright infringement and breach of contract by the Company arising from the expiration of a license agreement for certain Aldec software. Aldec sought a temporary restraining order (TRO) simultaneous with the filing of its complaint.  The Court denied the request for a TRO.  On September 2, 2003, the Company settled all outstanding litigation with Aldec for an amount that was immaterial to the Company's results of operations or its financial condition.

In fiscal year 2004, the Company allowed sales representative agreements with three related European entities, Rep'tronic S.A., Rep'tronic España, and Acsis S.r.l., a Rep'tronic Company (collectively Rep'tronic) to expire pursuant to their terms. In May 2003, Rep'tronic filed lawsuits in the High Court of Ireland against the Company claiming compensation arising from termination of an alleged commercial agency between Rep'tronic and the Company.  On March 31, 2004, Rep'tronic amended each of its statements of claim to include an additional claim related to the termination of the alleged commercial agency.  The Company has not yet been required to file its defense and no significant discovery has occurred.

On January 21, 2004, Rep'tronic S.A. joined Xilinx SARL into a lawsuit before the Labor Court of Versailles brought by five former Rep'tronic S.A. employees against Rep'tronic S.A. for unfair dismissal.  Rep'tronic S.A. is seeking indemnification from Xilinx SARL on the theory that the employees of Rep'tronic S.A. became the employees of Xilinx SARL or Xilinx Ireland upon the expiration of the sales representative agreement.  Xilinx SARL will file its evidence on July 14, 2004.  A hearing has been set for September 20, 2004.

On February 10, 2004, Rep'tronic S.A. filed a lawsuit against Xilinx SARL in the Commercial Court of Versailles.  The lawsuit is pled as an unfair competition matter but the claims and the facts upon which they are based are essentially the same as the commercial agency claims being addressed before the High Court of Ireland.  Xilinx SARL has filed its defense.  No hearing has been set. 

The Company has accrued amounts that represent anticipated payments for liability for the Rep'tronic litigation under the provisions of SFAS 5.

Except as stated above, there are no pending legal proceedings of a material nature to which the Company is a party or of which any of its property is the subject. 

© 2004 Xilinx Inc.