tools are at the nucleus of the most advanced life science research
today, most notably proteomics.
has never been a better time to be a Waters customer, employee or
investor. Researchers around the world increasingly depend on our
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry
(MS) and thermal analysis (TA) instrumentation, as well as our separation
chemistries and software. These technologies allow them to extract
knowledge they need to make critical decisions that lead to important
breakthroughs. Many of these breakthroughs are occurring in an exciting
new field called proteomics. Scientists in this field analyze the
structure and function of all the proteins in living cells. With
this knowledge, scientists can gain a better understanding of the
causes of disease, ultimately refining the diagnosis and treatment
Success in proteomics
relies on the integration of two highly specialized technologies:
HPLC and MS. In tandem, these technologies identify and quantitate
proteins from complex biological samples. To successfully separate
and analyze the proteins, HPLC and MS systems must work together
as seamlessly as possible. Waters has unrivaled experience designing
and applying these two technologies, creating the most powerfuland
completeHPLC/MS solutions available.
proteomics is in its infancy. Scientists are aggressively cataloging
which proteins exist in the human body, where they exist, and in
what concentrations. However, discerning this information is only
the first step. Scientists must then piece together all of the meaningful
protein-to-protein interactions. And since more than one million
proteins are thought to exist in the human body, this task is exceedingly
difficult and may take decades to complete.
Another important
emerging field of research is metabolomicsthe characterization
of metabolites present in humans. By profiling these small molecules,
scientists hope to learn more about metabolic profiles and their
relationship to health. In that way, they can optimize the effectiveness
of therapeutic treatments. Waters HPLC and MS expertise is ideal
for quantifying and identifying these molecules, furthering scientists
understanding of disease.
Efforts in these
fields involve thousands of scientists and thousands of research
laboratories. The market for laboratory instruments and supplies
to carry out this research is expected to grow significantly. And
at the center of it all will be Waters, answering the analytical
needs of life scientists around the world, right on time.
our company is in an excellent position to help researchers understand
proteins and their relationship to disease.
more than ever, the company that understands the analytical needs
of life science researchers faster and more comprehensively will
be the company these researchers turn to. And no other company is
better structured or has the capacity to meet those needs as quicklyor
more completelyas Waters. Our size and resources have allowed
us to invest significantly in the research and development of the
analytical labs four most critical ingredients: instrumentation,
software, chemistry and support services. In doing so, Waters is
successfully positioned as a company that makes and services components
for every stage of HPLC/MS analysis. Our breadth of products and
services bridges the entire spectrum from basic research to pharmaceutical
vast range of products and services helps our customers streamline
new product development. It also ensures the quality of their current
products. Thanks to these attributes, weve installed tens
of thousands of instruments worldwide. And the demand keeps growing.
Why? Because more and more researchers and scientists view Waters
as a partner, not just a vendor. The partner with all of the resources
they need to help them find the answers theyre looking for
innovations were bringing to the market are creating a new
generation of drug discovery systems.
over 40 years, Waters has provided researchers and scientists with
leading instrument technology. But never before in our history have
we brought such a broad range of innovative new products to market
in such a short period of time.
the past five years alone, these new products have virtually changed
the way scientists work in their laboratories.
Q-TOF mass spectrometer, pioneered by Micromass to characterize
proteins, now powers many leading-edge laboratories endeavoring
to solve the proteomics puzzle.
flagship Alliance HPLC systems have set new standards for performance,
accuracy, ruggedness and reliability. These systems have become
the standard used by many international companies to test their
products. When combined with our ZQ mass detector, they form a powerful
HPLC system for small molecule characterization.
versatile Millennium32 chromatography software efficiently achieves
and maintains regulatory compliance for labs, further speeding new
drug development.
we combined our FractionLynx systems with our new XTerra Prep Columns
to create the fastest, most scalable autopurification system available.
We also combined the Micromass Q-TOF mass spectrometer with our
integrated capillary LC system, the CapLC, maximizing the amount
of data scientists can extract from biological samples.
TA Instruments recent innovations in differential scanning
calorimetry have brought enhanced measurement accuracy, precision,
and resolution to thermal analysis. Advances such as these make
our technology even more attractive to pharmaceutical researchers
who place a premium on throughput and automation.
products such as theseas well as many others we have planned
for the near futureto scientists when they need them ensures
the continued success of both Waters and scientific labs around
the world.
technologies are vital to the success of all labs that turn analytical
data into useful information.
addition to the life science market, we provide a number of other
industries with a broad range of HPLC, MS and thermal analysis products
and services. Waters contributes to the success of laboratories
in the industrial, food and beverage, environmental, fine chemical,
personal care products, semiconductor and plastics markets. Our
leadership in these markets can be attributed to our operating divisions:
Waters, Micromass and TA Instruments. Many of the largest and most
successful life science, organic and inorganic chemical labs around
the world rely on Micromass MS instruments and Mass-Informatics
systems to help them accurately and efficiently measure molecular
masses. TA Instruments is the worlds leading supplier of thermal
analysis and rheology instruments. These instruments are fundamental
to R&D, analytical and quality control scientists that need
to characterize plastics, organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods,
biologicals, oils, lubricants and structural materials.
our leadership requires us to have a deep understanding of the sciences
we support. In the past year, weve invested in new laboratories
and hired dozens of scientists, from industry and academia, to give
us the expertise we need to be successful. Weve also forged
a number of exciting new relationships with companies to deepen
our understanding of the scientific communitys needs and to
enhance our proficiencies. In the future, new Waters products will
help scientists expand their research capabilities, manage their
data better and analyze larger numbers of smaller samples quickly
and more accurately. This unique ability to anticipate our customers
needs and meet them faster and better will continue to prove Waters
technology invaluable to a wide range of industries. Thats
what makes us Waters. And thats what makes us right on time.