Proxy Statement
Proposals To Be Voted On

> Proposal 1 - Election of Directors
> Proposal 2 - Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Duke Energy's Independent Auditors for 2000
> Proposal 3 - Approval of the Duke Energy 2000 Policy Committee Short-Term Incentive Plan
> Proposal 4 - Use of Mixed Oxide Fuel in Nuclear Reactors
> Proposal 5 - Limits on Outside Board Positions for Directors

Notice of Annual Meetingproposal1.htmlDirectorsPerformance GraphsCompensationOther InformationAnnual Report
Election of Directors

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR each nominee.

The Board of Directors of Duke Energy consists of 13 members, divided into three classes. The three-year terms of the classes are staggered so that the term of one class expires at each annual meeting. The terms of the five Class III directors will expire at the 2000 annual meeting.

The Board of Directors has nominated the following Class III directors for re-election: Robert J. Brown, William T. Esrey, George Dean Johnson, Jr., James G. Martin and Richard B. Priory.

If any director is unable to stand for re-election, the Board of Directors may reduce the number of directors, or designate a substitute. In that case, shares represented by proxies may be voted for a substitute director. We do not expect that any nominee will be unavailable or unable to serve.