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Table of Contents

PPT Slide

Forward-Looking Statements


Introduction America Service Group Inc.

Industry Overview

Industry Overview Correctional Healthcare Market

Industry Overview Correctional Healthcare Market

Industry Overview Correctional Healthcare Market

Industry Overview Correctional Healthcare Market

Company Overview

Company Overview Company History

Company Overview Summary Overview

Company Overview Services

Company Overview Operating Expenses

Company Overview Contract Overview

Company Overview Significant New Business Pipeline

Company Overview Management Team

Financial Overview

Financial Overview Solid Total Revenue Growth

Financial Overview Strong Correctional Same Contract Growth

Financial Overview Total Gross Margin Results by Year

Financial Overview Adjusted EBITDA Results by Year

Financial Overview Business Is Not Capital Intensive

Financial Overview Total Debt Outstanding

Summary Investment Highlights

PPT Slide

Non-GAAP Measures

Non-GAAP Measures

Non-GAAP Measures

Non-GAAP Measures

Appendix A Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA

Appendix B

Author: Stephen Scott