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PSEG at a glance

E. James Ferland
Chairman of the Board,
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Parent Company PSEG is a publicly traded (NYSE:PEG) diversified energy company located in Newark, New Jersey. It has annual revenues of $9.8 billion.

Alfred C. Koeppe
Public Service Electric and Gas Company PSE&G has delivered gas and electricity safely and reliably to New Jersey customers for nearly 100 years. It currently has 2 million electric and 1.6 million gas customers in a 2,600 square-mile diagonal corridor across New Jersey. PSE&G is one of the largest combined gas and electric utilities in the US.

Energy Holdings
Robert J. Dougherty.Jr.

Michael J. Thomson
PSEG Global develops, acquires, owns and operates power production and distribution facilities throughout the world. Currently the company has more than 2,000 megawatts (mw) of installed capacity and serves approximately 3.6 million customers through its energy distribution companies.


Eileen A. Moran
PSEG Resources manages a strong, diversified portfolio of mostly energy-related investments. Its assets total $3 billion.

Energy Technologies
Stanley M. Kosierowski
PSEG Energy Technologies provides a full menu of energy management solutions for businesses in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Frank Cassidy

Thomas R. Smith
PSEG Fossil operates and maintains the company's gas, coal and oil-powered generation plants. It currently has 8,100 mw of installed capacity.

Harold W. Keiser President and Chief Nuclear Officer
PSEG Nuclear manages PSEG Power's 3,400 mw of nuclear power, including operating the Hope Creek, Salem 1 and Salem 2 nuclear generating stations.

Energy Resources
& Trade

Steven R. Teitelman President
PSEG Energy Resources & Trade is the trading arm of PSEG Power. The trading operation markets the output of PSEG Power's generation assets, manages the economics/risks of securing power supply, acquires and hedges fuel, economically dispatches plants and trades numerous energy-related products.
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