Product List by Category (Click on the categories below for full product lists)

  • Arugula
  • Asparagus
    • Microwaveable
  • Broccoli
    • Florets or Slaw
  • Broccoli & Carrots
  • Broccoli & Cauliflower
  • Coleslaw
    • Angel Hair or Classic
  • Caulflower
    • Florets
  • Lettuces
    • Butter
    • Green Leaf
    • Iceberg
    • Mix Leaf
    • Red Leaf
    • Romaine
    • Sweet Baby
  • Romaine Hearts
  • Shredded
    • Carrots
    • Lettuce
    • Red Cabbage
    • White Cabbage
  • Stir Fry
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Vegetable Medley
  • Salad Blends
    • American
    • Angel Hair Coleslaw
    • Arugula
    • Baby Garden Blend
    • Baby Romaine
    • Baby Spinach
    • Baby Spinach Clamshell
    • Baby Spinach with Tender Reds
    • Broccoli Slaw
  • Salad Blends (cont’d)
    • Butter Bliss
    • Chopped Romaine
    • Classic Coleslaw
    • Classic Iceberg
    • Classic Romaine
    • Crispy
    • European
    • Field Greens
    • Greener Selection
    • Hearts Delight
    • Hearts of Romaine
    • Italian
    • Just Lettuce
    • Leafy Romaine
    • Mediterranean
    • Seven Lettuces
    • Shredded Carrots
    • Shredded Lettuce
    • Shredded Red Cabbage
    • Spinach
    • Spring Mix
    • Spring Mix Clamshell
    • Sweet Baby Lettuce
    • Tender Garden
    • Very Veggie
  • Salad Kits
    • Asian Island Crunch
    • Caesar
    • Creamy Coleslaw
    • Endless Summer
    • Family Size Caesar
    • Garlic Caesar
    • Light Caesar
    • Perfect Harvest
    • Southwest
    • Spinach Cherry Almond Bleu
    • Ultimate Caesar
  • Extra Veggie
    • Baby Spinach and Spring Mix
      • with Grape Tomatoes
    • Classic Spring Mix with
      • Garden Veggies
    • Veggie Spring Mix with Snap Peas
  • Hand Picked Selections
    • Green and Red Butter heads
    • Green Oak and Green Butter heads
Dole Salad Kits

Dole brings you unique, kit combinations, bursting with all-natural ingredients, like specially made dressings, flavorful seasonings and a variety of toppings. Turn a salad into a meal, or let a kit inspire your main entrée. With so many varieties, it’s easy to get creative!

Dole Cauliflower

Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, and is a good source of vitamin B6 and folate. It also has glucosinolates, which may trigger your body’s own natural defense systems. This may explain why Italian lab researchers found cauliflower compounds suppressed breast cancer cell growth.

Dole Spinach

Spinach is a rich source of folic acid. Studies have shown that a daily dose of this B vitamin prior to and during pregnancy can reduce the risk of brain and spine defects by at least 50 percent in newborns and can also significantly lower the risk of preterm delivery.