Number 6: We Manage the Marketplace.

As Nike has evolved, so has the consumer. They connect and collaborate with each other all over the world. As retail evolves to meet these changing needs – from athletic specialty to department stores – old, predictable formats tend to blur the line among products and brands. So we ask tougher questions. What kind of choices does a consumer have? What type of experiences does a consumer respond to best? We see this as opportunity for Nike and our retail partners.

As the industry leader, we have the ability and the responsibility to take the industry and our partners someplace new. Our retailers want Nike to lead and that’s exactly what we’re doing – driving innovative product and brand presentation into the stores of our wholesale partners.

We do this by working with our wholesale partners to create differentiated retail destinations and product assortments that are tailored to their consumers. We do it by investing in direct retail concepts that elevate our products and our brands online and in store. And we tightly manage the distribution of our products to balance supply and demand, maintain the strength of our brands and the profitability of our business.

Wherever the consumer interacts with Nike it is an opportunity for us to share our products, our stories and our passion in a way nobody else can. Next»