Produced water is the largest volume stream in oil and gas production, with an estimated
240 million bbl/d produced worldwide requiring treatment and disposal or recycling.
Combined with increasing quantities of produced sand, it threatens production capacity,
flow assurance, and asset integrity, and must be handled with correct environmental
stewardship. Although the timing and quantity of water production is highly unpredictable,
it is a certainty that rates increase as fields mature. Its removal and treatment can
significantly increase both the profitability and long-term viability of producing fields.
M-I SWACO has extensive experience in treating produced water.
Compact EPCON
separation systems offer a wide
operating envelope, adapting to
continuously changing production flow
over the life of a field to deal with both
anticipated and unexpected variations in
the well stream. Their small footprint
saves space on site, and limits additional
infrastructure requirements. These
self-reliant and self-monitored systems
can be specified to be completely
autonomous to enable operation on
unmanned or remote facilities.
Unconventional plays represent a
different produced water challenge.
Because not all unconventional plays are located near adequate water supplies, water
usage for fracturing is a major issue. Both produced water and water that flows back after
fracturing require treatment. M-I SWACO AQUALIBRIUM
technologies address these
challenges and focus on reuse and recycling of water to reduce the burden on local water
supplies and minimize disposal while rigorously respecting environmental regulations.
Mark of M-I L.L.C.
Production Management and Water Treatment
Top, production management of the
Shushufindi field in Ecuador was
awarded to a consortium led by
Schlumberger in early 2012. Below, both
new and mature fields often require
water treatment facilities. M-I SWACO
Production Technologies Director for
North America Steve Houghton, left,
takes readings of water tank levels and
flow rates during new technology trials
on an unconventional natural gas well in
the US. Below, M-I SWACO Laboratory
Scientist Petra Bäverbäck conducts
water research in specialized laboratory
facilities in Bergen, Norway.