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Our synthetic fuel operations consisted of four coal-based synthetic fuel production facilities (the "Facilities"). Because tax credits under Section 45K of the Internal Revenue Code are not available for the production and sale of synthetic fuel produced from coal after calendar year-end 2007, and because high oil prices during 2007 will result in the phase-out of a significant portion of the tax credits available for synthetic fuel produced and sold in 2007, on November 3, 2007, we shut down the Facilities and permanently ceased production of synthetic fuel. Accordingly, we now report this business segment as a discontinued operation. The book value of the Facilities was zero at year-end 2007, as the Facilities have been transferred to third parties. Under the site leases for the Facilities, we were required to restore the leased premises to substantially the condition the premises were in when the leases were originally executed. However, we executed agreements with the lessors of the sites pursuant to which we transferred the Facilities to the lessors in exchange for the release of our obligations to restore the leased premises to their original condition. Costs associated with shutting down the synthetic fuel operation and transferring the Facilities to the site lessors were not material.

The following table provides additional income statement and balance sheet information relating to the discontinued operations:

Income Statement Summary

Balance Sheet Summary

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