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As of year-end 2007, Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. ("Host"), known as Host Marriott Corporation prior to April 18, 2006, owned or leased 149 lodging properties operated by us under long-term agreements. We recognized revenues from lodging properties owned or leased by Host (which are included in our North American Full-Service, North American Limited-Service, and International segments) for the last three fiscal years as shown in the following table:

Additionally, Host is a partner in several unconsolidated partnerships that own lodging properties operated by us under long-term agreements. As of year-end 2007, Host was affiliated with 124 such properties operated by us. The revenues associated with those properties (which are included in our North American Full-Service, North American Limited-Service, and International segments) that were recognized by the Company for the last three fiscal years are shown in the following table:

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