Delivering Against Targets

Our corporate governance structure ensures oversight of our business-wide financial and non-financial targets, ensuring corporate responsibility performance is monitored throughout ANZ.

Leadership From the Top

Our five Board Committees (Audit, Governance, Human Resources, Risk and Technology) meet throughout the year. The Governance Committee is responsible for oversight of our Corporate Responsibility strategy, targets and performance, and our reporting.
Details about the Board, Board-related charters, the Group Codes of Conduct and Ethics, the Conduct and Ethics Policy Framework (including Fraud Policy, Anti‑Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, Whistleblower Protection Policy, Equal Opportunity, Bullying and Harrassment Policy, Health and Safety Policy), the ANZ Constitution, ANZ Shareholder Charter and other related items can be found at

Aligning Corporate Responsibility and Diversity Performance

This year, we refined our executive oversight of corporate responsibility (CR), combining our Corporate Responsibility and our Diversity committees to form a single Corporate Responsibility and Diversity Committee (CRD). This further aligns these two inherently connected areas and reflects our view that to be a super regional organisation we need to profoundly embrace diversity. The CRD Committee is chaired by our Chief Executive Officer and includes two additional members of Management Board, and senior representatives from ANZ’s business divisions.

Responsibilities of the CRD Committee include providing strategic leadership on our Group-wide CR and diversity strategies, priorities and targets and identifying, overseeing and monitoring current and emerging CR risks and opportunities. The CRD Committee reports on progress in achieving the Group’s CR and diversity objectives to Management Board and the ANZ Board Governance Committee.

We further increase our accountability by setting public targets in areas in which we have identified that we can use our skills and resources to deliver business performance while making a significant contribution to society.

Valuing Individual Performance

Employees in the bank have different roles and expertise, but everyone has a responsibility to make decisions that are balanced and ethical, being conscious of the potential economic, social and environmental impacts of their actions.

Each year, all employees are required to complete online training under the ‘ANZ essentials’ risk accreditation framework covering topics such as anti-money laundering, fraud, corruption and bribery, equal opportunity, and health and safety. Our ‘welcome to ANZ’ module provides an overview of our CR framework and tests new joiners on applying the framework in practice.

In 2012 we amended our approach to business unit and individual performance planning and target setting so that our five core Values and Behaviours will be more deeply embedded in creating plans, monitoring and rewarding performance against targets.

Public Reporting

Our reporting takes place throughout the year with some key dates on which we publish specific information.

Since 2010 we have combined the Shareholder Review and Corporate Responsibility Review as our performance is measured by both our financial and non-financial results.

Our full Corporate Responsibility Report is published on our website. That report contains more in-depth CR information about our strategy, targets and performance. The content is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, including the Financial Services Sector Supplement. It reflects our Global Compact Report on Progress and our application of the London Benchmarking Group Measurement methodology. Our website also contains our external reporting Assurance Statement.

In May, we release our Interim Corporate Responsibility Report detailing our mid-year progress.

We inform stakeholders of our activities and progress throughout the year via our regular Corporate Responsibility E-bulletin.

External Assurance

Our annual Corporate Responsibility Report has been externally assured by Corporate Citizenship in keeping with the International Standard on Assurance Engagement (ISAE 3000) and the Accountability Assurance Standard (AA1000AS-2008).

Both our full Corporate Responsibility Report and Corporate Citizenship’s assurance statement, detailing their review of our performance and reporting, is available at

Our Annual Report and Financial Statements are externally assured by KPMG.

Key Goals We Set Out To Achieve In 2012

Goals we set out to achieve in 2012

Performance Key

  • Achieved
  • Partially Achieved
  • Did Not Achieve

Responsible Practices

  • Partially achieved Improve customer satisfaction and achieve the No.1 or 2 position amongst major banks for our retail, commercial and Institutional businesses.
    – In Australia, retained No. 1 Relationship Strength Index position for Lead Relationships in the 2012 Peter Lee Associates Large Corporate and Institute Relationship Banking Research.
    – Customer satisfaction in Retail and Commercial Banking declined in the second half of the year, due to a number of issues including adverse publicity regarding interest rate decisions. Steps are in place to improve our customer satisfaction and we are seeing positive momentum.
  • Partially achieved Resolve 90% of customer complaints within five business days.
  • Achieved Develop and pilot a program to improve staff understanding of customers in financial difficulty to aid early identification of and assistance to affected customers.
  • Achieved Reduce Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) in Australia and New Zealand by between 5–10% and continue implementation of our safety and wellbeing programs globally.
  • Achieved Implement our Responsible Sourcing Program with a focus on our top 10 highest impact categories and publicly report the progress of our supplier education and auditing strategy.
  • Achieved Publicly report progress on the implementation, application of and training in our sensitive sector lending policies and human rights statement.
  • Achieved Increase our lending to lower carbon emission power generation (i.e. renewables and gas)
    by 15–20% by 2020[1].

Education and Employment Opportunities

  • Partially achieved Reach at least 40% representation of women in management, and achieve gender balance and greater cultural diversity in our key recruitment, talent development and learning programs.
  • Partially achieved Improve employee engagement, including perceptions of ‘values-based leadership.’
  • Partially achieved Provide 230 positions through our traineeships, graduate program and permanent employment to people from disadvantaged backgrounds and enhance purchasing criteria to develop more relationships with companies which employ and support people with disability.
  • Achieved Advance the role of women in society through engagement on key public policy issues, including advocacy for more accessible, affordable and flexible childcare in Australia.

Financial Capability

  • Achieved Reach 30,000 people from low-income and disadvantaged backgrounds with our MoneyMinded financial capability program.
  • Achieved Report publicly and engage key stakeholders in strategic review.
  • Partially achieved Enrol 14,250 people in our Saver Plus program across Australia by 2014.

Bridging Urban and Rural Economic Social Divides

  • Partially achieved Implement mobile phone banking in Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Samoa and Solomon Islands in 2012, then in Timor Leste in 2013.
  • Did not achieve Launch the Pacific Money Transfer Card to enable cost-effective remittances and sign up 2,800 customers.

Urban Sustainability

  • Achieved Evaluate the pilot of our revised Environmental Management System and expand to cover two material markets in our Asian business.
  • Partially achieved Work towards achieving our three-year environmental targets in Australia and New Zealand, including greenhouse gas, premises energy, commercial waste, water, paper and air travel.

Context to our performance, targets achieved as well as missed, is given in our full Corporate Responsibility Report.