All Caraustar mills have the capability to shift to alternate fuels to optimize total cost as prices fluctuate. Procurement for the entire mill system enables quantity discounts and provides a natural hedge to reduce volatility.
Caraustar mills used to source their fiber needs independently. Now we are targeting to source 90 percent of our fiber requirements internally from our Recovered Fiber Group, which will reduce costs and improve the fiber quality.
In 2004 the company is targeting to place the majority of our freight requirements with two or three providers, which will be a significant reduction from more than 50 providers in 2003, to maximize and benefit from the competitive bidding process.
Caraustar purchases over $570 million in goods and services each year, and the 3 F's represent only one-third of the total. We are in the process of leveraging our scale on other key purchases including chemicals, corrugated containers and communications services. Concentrating our purchases is expected to result in meaningful savings.