Results of Operations -
Natural Gas Transmission
Dollars In Millions 1997  1996  1995 

Revenue $ 1,572.1 $ 1,556.3 $ 1,533.4
Operating Expenses 964.4 972.5 972.5

Operating Income 607.7 583.8 562.3
Other Income, Net of Expenses 16.7 11.7 5.3

EBIT $ 624.4 $ 595.5 $ 567.6

Volumes, TBtua 2,862 2,939 2,703

a Trillion British thermal units

During 1997, the Natural Gas Transmission segment completed the organization of its operations into the Northeast Pipelines, which includes Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation (TETCO) and Algonquin Gas Transmission Company (Algonquin), and the Midwest Pipelines, which includes Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company (PEPL) and Trunkline Gas Company (Trunkline). Earnings before interest and taxes for the Natural Gas Transmission segment increased 5% in 1997 over the prior year, with increases in earnings at Northeast Pipelines and Midwest Pipelines of 5% and 4%, respectively. Earnings before interest and taxes increased primarily due to market-expansion projects placed in service and the favorable resolution of regulatory matters in 1997 in amounts in excess of those resolved in 1996. The resolution of regulatory matters was reflected as additional revenue and other income. The increases were partially offset by certain litigation expenses recorded in 1997.


In 1996, earnings before interest and taxes for the Natural Gas Transmission segment increased 5% over 1995. This was primarily due to a 9% increase in throughput resulting from new pipeline expansion projects placed in service in late 1995 and due to colder weather, which increased revenues. Operating expenses in 1995 included a charge for higher Order 636 transition cost estimates, partially offset by the benefit of lower-than-projected PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) clean-up costs (see Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements).

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