A genuine sense that the customer comes first pervades the CarrAmerica organization. It’s evident everywhere. At Harlequin Plaza in Englewood, Colorado, when a painter didn’t show up to finish a customer’s space at the eleventh hour, holding up improvements on the law firm’s newly leased office, everybody chipped in. The office had to be painted over the weekend for a Monday move-in and it was impossible to find a contractor on such short notice. So Chief Engineer Kerry Barth, Senior Project Manager Tracy Cline and Engineering Director Bob Goldman pulled together a team of CarrAmerica people from a number of properties to do it themselves. “Our team put on our CarrAmerica t-shirts and jeans and coveralls and did everything we could to get the job done,” says Bill Krokowski, Managing Director for Denver. “We split up the duties—buying paint supplies, taping, patching, painting—we all pulled together to make the space ready for our new customer.”