California Water Service Group Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
California Water Service Group
Financial Highlights
Corporate Profile
to our Stockholders
Consolidated Balance SheetS

Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
Controls and Procedures
Corporate Information
No letters of credit were outstanding at December 31, 2005. Interest is charged on a variable basis and fees are charged for unused amounts. As of December 31, 2005, there were no borrowings against the credit facility.

Credit Ratings Cal Water’s first mortgage bonds are rated by Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s) and Standard & Poor’s (S&P). Previously, the two major credit facility agreements contained covenants related to these debt ratings. The current agreements do not contain such covenants. During 2005, management met separately with the two credit rating agencies, and both agencies
have maintained their ratings of A2 for Moody’s and A+ for S&P as of the filing date of this report. The last time ratings were changed was in February 2004, when Moody’s issued a report lowering Cal Water’s senior secured debt from A1 to A2 and characterizing the rating as stable. In November 2003, S&P did not change its rating of A+, but changed its outlook from stable to negative. Although the Company’s financial performance and capitalization structure improved in 2004 compared to 2003, which was recognized by both agencies, both agencies noted concerns related to the rate-setting process and decisions by the CPUC. Also, concerns were raised about the Company’s level of capital expenditures, which will need to be partially financed through long-term borrowings or equity offerings. Management believes the Company would be able to meet financing needs even if ratings were downgraded, but a rating change could result in a higher interest rate on new debt.

Long-Term Financing Long-term financing, which includes senior notes, other debt securities, and common stock, has been used to replace short-term borrowings and fund capital expenditures. Internally generated funds, after making dividend payments, provide positive cash flow, but have not been at a level to meet all of the Company’s capital expenditure needs. Management
expects this trend to continue given the Company’s capital expenditures plan for the next five years. In addition to Company funded capital expenditures, some capital expenditures are funded by developers’ Contributions in Aid of Construction, which are not refundable, and Advances for Construction, which are refundable. Management believes long-term financing is available to meet
the Company’s cash flow needs through issuances in both debt and equity markets. The Company did not issue any significant long-term debt or additional stock in 2005.

In June 2004, the Company issued 1,409,700 shares of its common stock at $27.25 per share. The net proceeds were $36.8 million and the transaction was closed on June 29, 2004. The funds were used to pay down short-term borrowings and invest in short-term money market instruments, pending their use for general corporate purposes. After issuance of these shares, $35.6 million remains in securities under the Company’s shelf registration, which are available for future issuance.

In September 2004, the CPUC issued a decision granting Cal Water authority to complete up to $250 million of equity and debt financing through 2010, subject to certain restrictions. No financing had been applied against this authorization as of December 31, 2005.

In November 2004, New Mexico Water entered into a long-term debt arrangement for $3.4 million. The interest rate is 5.65%, the loan terminates in May 2014, and principal payments are required during the term of the loan. The funds were used to retire debt of $2.3 million, fund an acquisition, fund capital expenditures, and for general corporate purposes.

Washington Water has long-term debt primarily from two banks to meet its operating and capital equipment purchase requirements at interest rates negotiated with the banks. Both Washington Water and Hawaii Water have inter-company debt with the holding company, which is eliminated at consolidation. Hawaii Water does not have any debt with third parties.

The Company does not utilize off-balance-sheet financing or utilize special purpose entity arrangements for financing. The Company does not have equity ownership through joint ventures or partnership arrangements.

Additional information regarding the bank borrowings and long-term debt is presented in Notes 8 and 9 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan The Company’s transfer agent offers stockholders a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan (Plan). Under the Plan, stockholders may reinvest dividends to purchase additional Company common stock without brokerage fees. The Plan also allows existing stockholders and other interested investors to purchase Company common stock without brokerage fees through the transfer agent up to certain limits. Our transfer agent operates the Plan and purchases shares on the open market to provide shares for the Plan.

2006 Financing Plan The Company’s 2006 financing plan includes raising approximately $40-$50 million of new capital. The plan includes issuance of long-term debt and additional equity, although this may change depending on a variety of factors. Beyond 2006, management intends to fund capital needs through a relatively balanced approach between long-term debt and equity.

Contractual Obligations The Company’s contractual obligations are summarized in the following table. Long-term debt payments include annual sinking fund payments on first mortgage bonds, maturities of long-term debt, and annual payments on other long-term obligations.

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