California Water Service Group Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
California Water Service Group
Financial Highlights
Corporate Profile
to our Stockholders
Consolidated Balance SheetS

Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
Controls and Procedures
Corporate Information
Unbilled Revenue Unbilled revenue is estimated for metered customers for water used between the last reading of the customer’s meter and the end of the accounting period. This estimate is based on the usage from the last bill to the customer, which of variability is low at December 31, as this is one of the lowest usage months of the year and usage for the previous 30-day period is relatively consistent during this time of the year. Actual usage may vary from this estimate.

Flat-rate customers are billed in advance at the beginning of the service period. Since these are constant amounts, appropriate adjustments can be calculated to determine the revenue related to the applicable period.

Estimated Expenses Some expenses are recorded using estimates, as actual payments are not known or processed by the accounting deadline. Estimates are made for unbilled purchased water, unbilled purchased power, unbilled pump taxes, payroll, and other types of similar expenses. While management believes its estimates are reasonable, actual results could vary. Differences between actual results and estimates are recorded in the period when the information is known.

Expense Balancing and Memorandum Accounts Expense balancing accounts and memorandum accounts (offsettable expenses) represent recoverable costs incurred but not billed to customers. The amounts included in these accounts relate to rate changes charged to the Company for purchased water, purchased power, and pump taxes that are different from amounts incorporated into the rates approved by the CPUC. The Company does not record expense balancing or memorandum accounts in its financial statements as revenue, nor as a receivable, until the CPUC and other regulators have authorized recovery of the higher costs and customers have been billed. Therefore, a timing difference may occur between when costs and associated revenues are recognized. The balancing and memorandum accounts are only used to track the specific costs outside of the financial statements. The cost changes, which are beyond the Company’s control, are referred to as “offsettable expenses” because under certain circumstances, they are recoverable from customers in future offset rate increases. During 2004 and 2005, the CPUC gave approval to charge customers for a portion of the offsettable expenses. Additionally, the Company may file with the CPUC for its offsettable expenses incurred in 2005. The amounts requested may not be ultimately collected through rates, as amounts may be disallowed
during the review process or subject to a non-weather-adjusted earnings test. While the adjustments would not impact previously recorded amounts, the adjustments may change future earnings and cash flows. At this time, the Company cannot predict the actual recovery (refund) associated with 2005 offsettable expenses to be requested in 2006. (See “Rates and Regulation.”)

Washington Water, New Mexico Water, and Hawaii Water did not have material amounts in expense balancing or memorandum accounts.

Income Taxes Significant judgment is required in determining the provision for income taxes. The process involves estimating current tax exposure and assessing temporary differences resulting from treatment of certain items, such as depreciation, for tax and financial statement reporting. These differences result in deferred tax assets and liabilities, which are reported in the consolidated balance sheet. Management must also assess the likelihood that deferred tax assets will be recovered in future taxable income. To the extent recovery is unlikely, a valuation allowance would be required. If a valuation allowance was required, it could significantly increase income tax expense. In management’s view, a valuation allowance was not required at December 31, 2005. Detailed schedules relating to income taxes are provided in Note 11 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Employee Benefit Plans The Company incurs costs associated with its pension and postretirement health care benefit plans. To measure the expense of these benefits, management must estimate compensation increases, mortality rates, future health cost increases, and discount rates used to value related liabilities and to determine appropriate funding. Management works with independent actuaries to measure these benefits. Different estimates and/or actual amounts could result in significant variances in the costs and liabilities recognized for these benefit plans. The estimates used are based on historical experience, current facts, future expectations, and recommendations from independent advisors and actuaries.

The Company uses an investment advisor to provide expert advice for managing investments in these plans. To diversify investment risk, the plan’s goal is to invest 40%-60% of the assets in domestic equity mutual funds, 5%-15% in foreign equity mutual funds, and 35%-45% in bond funds. At December 31, 2005, 51.9% of the assets were invested in domestic equity mutual funds, 11.7% in foreign equity mutual funds, and 36.4% in bond funds. Based on the market values of the investment funds for the year ended December 31, 2005, the total return on the pension plan assets was 6.0%. For 2004 and 2003, returns were 13% and 19%, respectively. Future returns on investments could vary significantly from estimates and could impact earnings and cash flows.
Management expects any changes to these costs to be recovered in future rate filings, mitigating the financial impact.

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