California Water Service Group Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
California Water Service Group
Financial Highlights
Corporate Profile
to our Stockholders
Consolidated Balance SheetS

Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
Controls and Procedures
Corporate Information
Earnings and cash flow from these transactions are sporadic and may or may not continue in future periods, depending upon market conditions. The Company has other non-utility properties that may be marketed in the future based on real estate market conditions.

In 2005, interest expenses decreased by $0.1 million, or 1%, as there were no short-term borrowings in 2005. In 2004, interest expense increased $0.3 million, or 2%, due to a decrease in capitalized interest, which was a result of lower value of capitalized projects. Capitalized interest in 2005 was comparable to 2004. See the “Liquidity and Capital Resources” section for more information.
Rates and Regulation
The state regulatory commissions have plenary powers setting rates and operating standards. As such, state commission decisions significantly impact revenues, earnings, and cash flow of the Company. The amounts discussed are generally annual amounts, unless specifically stated, and the financial impact to recorded revenue is expected to occur over a 12-month period from the effective date of the decision. In California, water utilities are required to make several different types of filings. Most filings result in rate changes that remain in place until the next GRC. As explained below, surcharges and surcredits to recover balancing and memorandum accounts as well as the catch-up are temporary rate changes, which have specific time frames for recovery.

General Rate Cases (GRCs) GRCs, step rate increase filings, and offset filings change rates to amounts that will remain in effect until the next GRC. The CPUC follows a rate case plan, which requires Cal Water to file a GRC for each of its 24 regulated operating districts every three years. In a GRC proceeding, the CPUC not only considers the utility’s rate-setting requests, but may consider other issues that affect the utility’s rates and operations. Effective in 2004, Cal Water’s GRC schedule was shifted from a calendar year to a fiscal year with test years commencing July 1. The CPUC is generally required to issue its GRC decision prior to the first day of the test year or authorize interim rates. As such, Cal Water’s GRC decisions, which prior to 2005 were generally issued in the fourth quarter, are expected to be issued in the second quarter of each year. Cal Water expects decisions on the eight GRCs filed in August of 2005 to be issued in June of 2006.

Step Rate Increases Between GRC filings, utilities may file step rate increases, which allow the utility to recover cost increases, primarily from inflation and incremental investment, during the second and third years of the rate case cycle. However, step rate increases are subject to a weather-normalized earnings test. Under the earnings test, the CPUC may reduce the step rate increase to prevent the utility from earning in excess of the authorized rate of return for that district. Step rate increases, which were previously approved in January, should be approved in July under the new rate case schedule.

Offset Filings In addition, utilities are entitled to file offset filings. Offset filings may be filed to adjust revenues for construction projects authorized in GRCs when the plant is placed in service or for rate changes charged to the Company for purchased water,
purchased power, and pump taxes (referred to as “offsettable expenses”). Such rate changes approved in offset filings remain in effect until a GRC is approved.

Surcharges and Surcredits Surcharges and surcredits, which are usually effective for a 12-month period, are authorized by the CPUC to recover the memorandum and balancing accounts under- and over-collections usually due to changes in offsettable
expenses. However, significant under-collections may be authorized over multiple years. Currently, filings to recover offsettable expenses are subject to a non-weather-adjusted earnings test. Under the earnings test, the CPUC may reduce recovery of an offsettable expense to prevent the utility from earning in excess of its authorized rate of return. Typically, an expense difference occurs during the time period from when an offsettable expense changes and the Company is allowed to adjust its water rates. Expense changes for this regulatory lag period, which is about two months, are booked into memorandum and balancing accounts for later recovery. However,
in 2001, the CPUC changed its procedures and did not permit water companies to immediately adjust water rates for offsettable expense changes. As a result, the amount accrued in memorandum and balancing accounts, due primarily to the major increases in electric power costs in 2001, grew to $9.2 million at the end of 2004. Beginning in November 2002, the CPUC allowed water companies to file for recovery of memorandum and balancing account under-collections subject to a non-weather-adjusted earnings test. However, the Company did not receive authorization to collect a significant portion of the under-collection from its ratepayers until the fourth quarter of 2004.

Timing of Expense Balancing and Memorandum Accounts The Company does not record an asset (or liability) for the recovery (or refund) of expense balancing or memorandum accounts in its financial statements as revenue (refunds), nor as a
receivable (or payable), until the CPUC and other regulators have authorized recovery and the customer is billed. Therefore, a timing difference may occur between when costs are recorded as an expense and the associated revenues are received (or refunds are made) and booked.

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