California Water Service Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
California Water Service Group
Financial Highlights
Corporate Profile
to our Stockholders
Consolidated Balance SheetS

Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
Controls and Procedures
Corporate Information
Note 12. Employee Benefit Plans

Pension Plans The Company provides a qualified, defined-benefit, non-contributory pension plan for substantially all employees. The Company also maintains an unfunded, non-qualified, supplemental executive retirement plan. The costs of plans are charged to expense and utility plant. The Company makes annual contributions to fund the amounts accrued for pension cost. The Company estimates that the annual contribution to the pension plans will be $7.4 million in 2006. Plan assets in the defined benefit pension plan as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 (the measurement dates for the plan) were as follows:

Asset Category Target 2005 2004
Bond funds 35% to 45% 36.4% 39.4%
Equity accounts 55% to 65% 63.6% 60.6%
The investment objective of the fund is to maximize the return on assets, commensurate with the risk the Company Trustees deem appropriate to meet the obligations of the Plan, minimize the volatility of the pension expense, and account for contingencies. The Trustees utilize the services of an outside investment advisor and periodically measure fund performance against specific indexes in an effort to generate a rate of return for the total portfolio that equals or exceeds the actuarial investment rate assumptions.

Pension payment obligations are generally funded by the purchase of an annuity from a life insurance company. In 2005, the Plan annuitized pension benefits that would otherwise be paid to certain retirees in the future. Benefit payments under the supplemental executive retirement plan are paid currently. Excluding costs to annuitize future retirement benefits, benefits expected to be paid in each year from 2006 through 2010 are $2,610, $3,266, $4,412, $5,617, and $5,683, respectively. The aggregate benefit expected to be paid in the five years 2011 through 2015 is $39,142. The expected benefit payments are based upon the same assumptions
used to measure the Company’s benefit obligation at December 31, 2005, and include estimated future employee service.

The accumulated benefit obligations of the pension plan are $71,463 and $65,938 as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. The fair value of pension plan assets was $70,225 and $75,064 as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. The unfunded supplemental executive retirement plan accumulated benefit obligations were $8,608 and $7,234 as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

The data in the following tables includes the unfunded, non-qualified, supplemental executive retirement plan.

Savings Plan The Company sponsors a 401(k) qualified, defined-contribution savings plan that allows participants to contribute up to 20% of pre-tax compensation. The Company matches 50 cents for each dollar contributed by the employee up to a maximum Company match of 4.0%. Company contributions were $1,498, $1,443, and $1,433, for the years 2005, 2004, and 2003, respectively.

Other Postretirement Plan The Company provides substantially all active, permanent employees with medical, dental, and vision benefits through a self-insured plan. Employees retiring at or after age 58, along with their spouses and dependents, continue participation in the plan by payment of a premium. Plan assets are invested in mutual funds, short-term money market instruments
and commercial paper. Retired employees are also provided with a $5,000 life insurance benefit.

The Company records the costs of postretirement benefits other than pension during the employees’ years of active service. The Company has recorded a regulatory asset in prior years for the difference between the Company-funded amount and the net periodic benefit cost. The Company intends to file with the Commission an Advice Letter to recover the regulatory asset in future customer rates, as customer rates have only included the lower Company-funded amount.
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