California Water Service Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
California Water Service Group
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Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
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Corporate Information
Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - continued

In March 2005, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 46R-5, “Implicit Variable Interests under FASB Interpretation No. 46 (revised December 2003),” which amends Interpretation No. 46, “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities.” The revision relates to issues commonly arising in leasing arrangements among related parties and other types of arrangements involving related and unrelated parties. The original guidance under Interpretation No. 46 in January 2003 is still applicable. Interpretation Nos. 46 and 46R-5 provide guidance for determining when a primary beneficiary should consolidate a variable interest entity or equivalent structure
that functions to support the activities of a primary beneficiary. Interpretation No. 46R-5 is effective for the first reporting period beginning after March 3, 2005. The adoption of Interpretation No. 46R-5 did not impact the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

In March 2005, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 47, “Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations – an Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 143.” Interpretation No. 47 provides guidelines as to when a company is required to record a conditional asset retirement obligation. In general, an entity is required to recognize a liability for the fair value of a conditional asset retirement obligation if the fair value of the liability can be reasonably estimated. The fair value of a liability for the conditional asset retirement obligation should be recognized when incurred – generally upon acquisition, construction, or development and (or) through the normal operation of the asset. The Interpretation is effective no later than the end of fiscal years ending after December 15, 2005 (December 31, 2005, for calendar-year enterprises). The adoption of this Interpretation did not have a material impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or cash flows. The Company has been allowed to collect retirement obligation costs from ratepayers through depreciation expense. As of December 31, 2005, the Company estimates its retirement obligation costs to be $4,480, of which $2,942 has been collected from ratepayers. The balance is recorded as a regulatory asset.

In May 2005, the FASB issued Statement No. 154, “Accounting Changes and Error Corrections – a Replacement of APB Opinion No. 20 and FASB Statement No. 3.” Statement No. 154 replaces APB Opinion No. 20, “Accounting Changes,” and FASB Statement No. 3, “Reporting Accounting Changes in Interim Financial Statements,” and changes the requirements for and the reporting of a change of an accounting principle. This Statement requires retrospective application to prior periods’ financial statements of changes in accounting principle, unless it is impracticable to determine either the period-specific effects or the cumulative effect of the change. The Statement is effective for all fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005. The adoption of this Statement did not have a material impact on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

Note 3. Other Income Expenses

The Company conducts various non-regulated activities as reflected in the table below. Income reflects revenue less direct and allocated costs. Income taxes are not included.

  2005   2004   2003
  Revenue Income   Revenue Income   Revenue Income
Operating and maintenance $4,931 $1,142   $4,536 $997   $4,137 $939
Meter reading and billing 1,112 473   1,261 622   1,337 473
Leases 1,457 958   1,285 818   1,190 781
Water rights brokering -- --   -- (96)   196 112
Design and construction 929 232   606 209   1,305 204
Other and non-regulated expenses 831 58   385 (175)   320 (412)
Total $9,260 $2,863   $8,073 $2,375   $8,485 $2,097

Operating and maintenance services and meter reading and billing services are provided for water and wastewater systems owned by private companies and municipalities. The agreements call for a fee-per-service or a flat-rate amount per month. Leases have been entered into with telecommunications companies for cellular phone antennas placed on the Company’s property. Water rights brokering activity involves purchasing water rights from third parties and reselling those rights to other third parties. Design and construction services are for the design and installation of water mains and other water infrastructure for others outside the
Company’s regulated service areas.

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