California Water Service Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
California Water Service Group
Financial Highlights
Corporate Profile
to our Stockholders
Consolidated Balance SheetS

Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
Controls and Procedures
Corporate Information
Note 7. Common Stockholders’ Equity

The Company is authorized to issue 25 million shares of $0.01 par value common stock. As of December 31, 2005 and 2004, 18,389,996 shares and 18,367,246 shares, respectively, of common stock were issued and outstanding.

Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Repurchase Plan The Company has a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan (Plan). Under the Plan, stockholders may reinvest dividends to purchase additional Company common stock without commission fees. The Plan also allows existing stockholders and other interested investors to purchase Company common stock through the transfer agent up to certain limits. The Company’s transfer agent operates the Plan and purchases shares on the open market to provide shares for the Plan.

Stockholder Rights Plan The Company’s Stockholder Rights Plan (Plan) is designed to protect stockholders and to maximize stockholder value by encouraging a prospective acquirer to negotiate with the Board. The Plan was adopted in 1998 and authorized a dividend distribution of one right (Right) to purchase 1/100th share of Series D Preferred Stock for each outstanding share of common stock in certain circumstances. The Rights are for a 10-year period that expires in February 2008.

Each Right represents a right to purchase 1/100th share of Series D Preferred Stock at the price of $120, subject to adjustment (Purchase Price). Each share of Series D Preferred Stock is entitled to receive a dividend equal to 100 times any dividend paid on common stock and 100 votes per share in any stockholder election. The Rights become exercisable upon occurrence of a Distribution Date. A Distribution Date event occurs if (a) any person accumulates 15% of the then outstanding common stock, (b) any person presents a tender offer which would cause the person’s ownership level to exceed 15% and the Board determines the tender offer not to be fair to the Company’s stockholders, or (c) the Board determines that a stockholder maintaining a 10% interest in the common stock could have an adverse impact on the Company or could attempt to pressure the Company to repurchase the holder’s shares at a premium.

Until the occurrence of a Distribution Date, each Right trades with the common stock and is not separately transferable. When a Distribution Date occurs: (a) the Company would distribute separate Rights Certificates to Common Stockholders and the Rights would subsequently trade separate from the common stock; and (b) each holder of a Right, other than the acquiring person (whose Rights would thereafter be void), would have the right to receive upon exercise at its then current Purchase Price that number of shares of common stock having a market value of two times the Purchase Price of the Right. If the Company merges into the acquiring person or enters into any transaction that unfairly favors the acquiring person or disfavors the Company’s other stockholders, the Right becomes a right to purchase common stock of the acquiring person having a market value of two times the purchase price.

The Board may determine that in certain circumstances a proposal that would cause a Distribution Date is in the Company stockholders’ best interest. Therefore, the Board may, at its option, redeem the Rights at a redemption price of $0.001 per Right.


Note 8. Short-Term Borrowings

At December 31, 2005, the Company maintained a bank line of credit providing unsecured borrowings of up to $10 million at the prime lending rate or lower rates as quoted by the bank. Cal Water maintained a separate bank line of credit for an additional $45 million on the same terms as the Company’s line of credit. Both agreements required a 30-day out-of-debt period during any 24 consecutive months. The $10 million and $45 million lines have a requirement where the outstanding balance must be below $10 million and $5 million, respectively, for a 30-day consecutive period during any 12-month period. Both agreements have a
covenant requiring debt as a percentage of total capitalization to be less than 67%. At December 31, 2005, there were no borrowings on the Company or Cal Water line, and one letter of credit for $0.5 million is outstanding under the Cal Water line.

The following table represents borrowings under the bank lines of credit:

Dollars in thousands 2005 2004 2003
Maximum short-term borrowings $-- $18,800 $58,633
Average amount outstanding $-- $4,330 $30,388
Weighted average interest rate n/a 2.94% 2.96%
Interest at December 31 n/a n/a 4.08%
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