California Water Service Group Letter To Stockholders
Financial Highlights
Corporate Profile
to our Stockholders
Consolidated Balance SheetS

Consolidated Statement of Income

Consolidated Statement of Common Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report
Controls and Procedures
Corporate Information
Use Only the Finest Ingredients and Serve with a Smile
Two major capital projects planned for 2006 are a new membrane treatment plant in Bakersfield, California, and renovation of an existing treatment plant in Lucerne, California. Both projects will use state-of-the-art technologies to enhance the quality of water we serve to our customers. Going forward, water quality will continue to be a top priority for us, as we strive to meet every state and federal water quality standard, every day, in every system.

But customers require more than safe, high quality water; they also expect responsive customer service. So, when they told us that they wanted to interact with us online and pay their bills electronically, we responded with a new e-billing service that allows them to view and pay their bills on our web site. We will refine the program, which we introduced in September 2005, throughout the coming year. Also in 2006, we plan to provide our Customer Service Representatives with a new, comprehensive training program. And finally, we will expand our efforts to communicate with customers about the many things we do to ensure that when they turn on a faucet, they get what they expect. Helping customers understand the true value of water and the services we provide will be important, particularly as we continue to pursue fair and reasonable water rates.
If Your Recipe Isn’t Turning Out Right, Keep at It—Persistence Pays Off
Fair regulatory treatment is an important ingredient for success for all regulated water utilities. For the past few years in California, it was an ingredient that was in short supply. Fortunately, we are beginning to see signs of an improved regulatory climate. This improvement is partially due to changes at the CPUC, and partially due to the persistence of our industry and our own Regulatory Affairs team.

Through the California Water Association (CWA), the investor-owned water utility industry has tepped up efforts to advocate for fair regulatory
decisions. In 2005, CWA opened an office directly across the street from the CPUC in San Francisco and hired a seasoned, well-qualified Executive
Director to promote the industry’s interests on a full-time basis.

Even more important, our own Regulatory Affairs team has continued to work diligently for rates that accurately reflect the costs of providing water service. As a result, the CPUC issued timely decisions on the eight General Rate Cases filed in 2004, and we expect the same for the eight General Rate Cases filed in 2005. In 2006, we will file for eight more districts, with decisions expected in mid-2007.

Our cautious optimism about the regulatory environment in California comes partly from the timeliness of the decisions being issued by the CPUC, and partly from the nature of those decisions. As we mentioned earlier, the CPUC has developed a Water Action Plan for California that is viewed favorably by the water industry. In addition, in 2005, the CPUC ruled that we had indeed managed our surplus property sales program in accordance with the Water Utility Infrastructure Act of 1995, as we had maintained. We expect the CPUC
to issue a final ruling on how such gains on surplus property sales should be treated on an industry wide basis in the near future.

With regard to another type of regulation, and one that is faced by all publicly traded companies, we continued in 2005 to take the steps necessary to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. We are pleased with our performance in this area, and are confident that we will continue to meet both the letter and the spirit of the law.
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