
Photolithography Light Source Systems


Photolithography Light Sources

Our light source systems include the most advanced argon and fluorine ("ArF") immersion light sources for use on the most critical process layers. Chipmakers also use our ArF and krypton and fluorine ("KrF") light sources to fill out or balance their production lines or add capacity to their manufacturing facilities (also referred to as "fabs") for less critical layers. The extremely short wavelengths and highly narrowed bandwidths of our light sources work in concert with our lithography customers' steppers and scanners and their sophisticated lens systems to help enable the very fine feature resolution required for patterning today's most advanced circuitry. The pulse energy and repetition rate of our light source systems enable our chipmaker customers to achieve high throughput in wafer processing. We have designed our light source systems to be reliable, easy to install and compatible with existing semiconductor manufacturing processes.