




customers by continuing to develop new capabilities in areas such as quality, service, systems, marketing and innovation.
    Our leading market position, effective growth strategy, strong balance sheet and focus on flavor have positioned us well. Once we complete our restructuring program in 2008, we expect our sales initiatives to drive sales growth of 4 to 6% annually. These higher sales and improved margins should generate an increase of 9 to 11% in earnings per share.
    As always, McCormick’s engaged employees are at the center of our success. Throughout our operations, we interact in a participative manner based on our Multiple Management Board approach. In 2007 we celebrated the 75th anniversary of this problem-solving and professional development system, which is deeply ingrained in our corporate culture.
    Strong, far-sighted leadership is also essential to continued success. Our Board is comprised of experienced business leaders and we are pleased to welcome Joseph McGrath, President & CEO of Unisys Corporation as a new director. Over the past year we completed the transition of our executive team. Following his promotion to President & COO at the end of 2006, Alan became a member of the Board in November and was appointed President & CEO as of January 1, 2008. Bob retired at the beginning of the new year but continues to serve as Chairman of the Board.
    In addition, Gordon Stetz, who has provided key financial leadership to our U.S. and international operations for two decades, was promoted to CFO following the announcement of Fran Contino’s upcoming retirement from the Company and the Board. During his ten years at McCormick, Fran was instrumental in establishing common systems and processes throughout our operations with our B2K program, strengthening internal controls and building a terrific financial team. Fran’s involvement has led to success with our acquisition strategy and, since 2004, he



has led our strategic planning effort at the Company. We thank him for his many contributions.
    The executive team that will take this Company forward has been an integral part of setting our direction, formulating programs and achieving great execution in recent years. We approach the years ahead with excitement and tremendous optimism.
    Our business is well-positioned with leading brands and a focus on flavor. An effective and sustainable strategy sets our direction. Motivated and energetic employees move us forward. We are confident in our ability to build shareholder value.
    It promises to be a future as bold and exciting as the flavors upon which McCormick & Company has built its success since 1889.

     Robert J. Lawless, Chairman of the Board

     Alan D. Wilson, President and CEO


McCormick & Company 2007 Annual Report      4