Financial Highlights Form 10-K

Eddie Quaas

fourth-grade student and budding artist
with Quest Diagnostics Phlebotomist Mona Carrico
Belleville, Illinois


When eight-year-old Eddie Quaas fell into a deep sleep in the middle of the afternoon one day, his mother, Joni, had an uneasy feeling. Within days, her worst fears were realized, as Eddie was diagnosed with cancerous childhood medulloblastoma, a type of brain tumor. Eddie braved surgery, followed by six weeks of radiation treatment and 14 months of chemotherapy, which required him to have weekly or biweekly blood counts for 18 consecutive months. This intensely difficult period in the Quaas family’s life was made easier through their relationship with Quest Diagnostics phlebotomist Mona Carrico. Joni explains, “When Eddie first came to Mona, she took time to get to know him, patiently explained the blood draw procedure in a step-by-step fashion, and made it as painless as possible. Their bond developed from there.” For the next year and a half, Eddie’s family went out of their way to see Mona for every one of Eddie’s required blood draws. Mona, in turn, helped reduce their waiting time and met them with understanding and kindness at every point of interaction. Their friendship transcended traditional boundaries. Mona started each visit by asking Eddie about his week. Eddie brought Mona candy on Valentine’s Day. And when Eddie’s parents hosted an art show party to celebrate the end of his chemotherapy, Mona was the first person he invited. Eddie beamed with pride as he introduced her to his friends and family as his “favorite phlebotomist”—a title that Mona considers the greatest honor of her career.

“When Eddie was diagnosed with cancer, I told myself I would do everything I could to make his life as normal and positive as possible. Going to Quest Diagnostics made such a difference. Mona made sure Eddie never had to dread the countless blood draws, and her friendship became one of the real bright spots in his treatment.” —Joni Quaas, Eddie’s Mom