As of December 31, 1999, $523 million of Property, Plant and Equipment and $243 million of accumulated depreciation and amortization represented Duke Energy's investment in Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2. Duke Energy's share of operating costs is included in the Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income.
Duke Energy entered into contractual interconnection agreements with the other joint owners of Catawba Nuclear Station to purchase declining percentages of the generating capacity and energy from the station. These purchased power agreements became effective in 1985 and 1986. The purchased power agreements were established for fifteen years for NCMPA and PMPA and ten years for NCEMC and Saluda River.
The portion of purchased capacity subject to levelization not recovered in rates was deferred. Duke Energy is recovering the accumulated balance, including returns on the deferred balance, over a period expected to end in 2004. Jurisdictional levelizations are intended to recover total costs, including deferred returns, and are subject to adjustments, including final true-ups. The current levelized approved revenues are approximately $186 million.
For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, purchased capacity and energy costs from the other joint owners was approximately $62 million, $88 million and $120 million, respectively. These amounts, after adjustments for the costs of capacity purchased not reflected in current rates, are included in the Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income as Net Interchange and Purchased Power. As of December 31, 1999 and 1998, $643 million and $747 million, respectively, associated with the cost of capacity purchased but not reflected in current rates have been accumulated in the Consolidated Balance Sheets as Purchased Capacity Costs and Current Portion of Purchased Capacity Costs.
The interconnection agreements also provide for supplemental power sales by Duke Energy to the other joint owners of Catawba Nuclear Station to satisfy their capacity and energy needs beyond the capacity and energy which they retain from the station or potentially acquire in the form of other resources. The agreements further provide the other joint owners the ability to secure such supplemental requirements outside of these contractual agreements following an appropriate notice period. NCEMC, Saluda River and NCMPA have given such appropriate notice effective January 1, 2001. PMPA will continue to receive supplemental power sales from Duke Energy through December 31, 2005. As the other joint owners retain more capacity and energy from the station, or obtain additional capacity and energy from a third party, supplemental power sales are expected to decline. Management believes this will not have a material adverse effect on consolidated results of operations or financial position.