Duke Energy

> Selected Financial Data
> Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income
> Consolidated Balance Sheets
> Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
> Consolidated Statements of Common Stockholders' Equity
> 1- Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
> 2- Business Combinations, Acquisitions and Dispositions
> 3- Business Segments
> 4- Regulatory Matters
> 5- Joint Ownership of Generating Facilities
> 6- Income Taxes
> 7- Risk Management and Financial Instruments
> 8- Investments in Affiliates
> 9 - Property, Plant and Equipment
> 10 - Debt and Credit Facilties
> 11- Nuclear Decommissioning Costs
> 12 - Guaranteed Preferred Beneficial Interests in Subordinated Notes of Duke Energy or Subsidiaries
> 13 - Preferred and Preference Stock
> 14 - Commitments and Contingencies
> 15 - Common Stock
> 16 - Stock Based Compensation
> 17 - Employee Benefit Plans
> 18 - Quarterly Financial Data
> 19 - Subsequent Events
> Auditors' Report