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Heart Failure

Heart failure is a progressive disease that affects an increasing number of people every year. This is attributable in great part to the “graying” of America—within the next 15 years, it is estimated that at least 53 million people living in the U.S. will be 65 years of age or older. Not only are people living longer, but due to advances in treatment, they are also surviving the earlier stages of heart disease.

Heart failure is a leading cause of death in America, and it remains Medicare’s greatest area of healthcare-related spending. Those who are afflicted with late-stage heart failure experience a poor quality of life, account for a high consumption of costly healthcare and experience high mortality rates. While heart transplantation is an option, there is an insufficient number of hearts available, and many patients do not qualify because of other health conditions. Nevertheless, the most widely used form of treatment—drug-based therapy—has limited effectiveness in treating these late-stage patients.

It is estimated that by later this decade, more than half a million Americans suffering from late-stage heart failure will have received some form of device-related therapy. As a result of continuously improving patient outcomes for those implanted with a device, clinicians are increasingly turning to cardiac assist devices, such as those developed by Thoratec.

Destination Therapy

Destination Therapy, or permanent support with the use of our HeartMate XVE LVAS (Left Ventricular Assist System) is now an increasingly viable option for late-stage heart failure patients who do not qualify for a transplant. A landmark study demonstrated survival and quality-of-life benefits for patients implanted with our device. More current clinical data suggest these outcomes are getting even better, and we are hopeful that the level of adverse events will continue to decline.

Since becoming the only company with an approved device for Destination Therapy in the U.S., we have been developing the market in a measured and responsible fashion. With reimbursement more than doubling in the past two years and improving outcomes, we are seeing increasing receptivity to the procedure among clinicians.

Thoratec’s Heart Hope program continues to be an important element of our market development effort. Additionally, we are working closely with our centers to foster increased awareness among referring physicians and their patients of the full spectrum of treatment options that VADs offer to restore hemodynamics and improve survival and quality of life for late-stage heart failure patients.

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