Thoratec Corporation

2010 Annual Review

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Exciting Future

The past year has been a significant one for the VAD market, with the approval and launch of the HeartMate II for DT, and the continuously improving patient outcomes portend even greater opportunities in the years ahead.

Through market education, clinical support, technology innovation and geographic expansion, we will continue to build out this market in the near term as we develop next-generation devices and technologies that should support growth later this decade as well. In addition, we will begin to develop new market opportunities for Thoratec, such as those available to us with our PHP device.

We look forward to driving the expansion of the MCS market and to advancing our leadership position in the sector, as we seek to bring new, life-restoring technology to a wider range of patients.

In closing, we appreciate your support and look forward to reporting on the Company’s progress as it pursues an exciting future.

Gerhard F Burbach signature

Gerhard F. Burbach
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director