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President and Chief Executive Officer

“Given that the majority of Destination Therapy patients will be covered by Medicare, the National Coverage Decision was critical to the development of the market.”

“Through device enhancements and improved implant procedures, we believe we are seeing progress in reducing the cost of the procedure by lowering the incidence of adverse events and improving patient outcomes.”

“While we have focused a great deal of attention and corporate resources on the Destination Therapy opportunity, we have not lessened our emphasis on the Company's other product development programs and business activities.”

“The success of existing products, combined with the integration of IRMA TRUpoint and planned new product introductions, portends a continued positive outlook for ITC.”

“Destination Therapy and the tremendous progress we are making on the development of next generation devices present a significant opportunity for Thoratec.”

We entered 2003 facing both the promise and challenges that came with FDA approval of Thoratec’s HeartMate XVE for Destination Therapy. This approval enabled us to pioneer this significant market opportunity and address some portion of the estimated 100,000 patients each year who suffer from end-stage heart failure and are not eligible for heart transplantation. At the same time, the approval also created the need for us to execute on a strategy that would lay the foundation for success in this market.

Our most critical challenge was achieving reimbursement from Medicare as well as private payers. In addition, we needed to begin laying a foundation of plans and programs that would lead to improved patient outcomes, reduced costs and adoption of the procedure by leading heart centers. I am pleased to report that we realized major strides in all of these efforts intended to capitalize on the Destination Therapy opportunity.

We also remained centered on our ongoing business efforts, and the growth of the Company during the year reflects our continuing market leadership. Revenues increased 15 percent as we benefited from ongoing growth in bridge-to-transplantation, as well at our International Technidyne Corporation (ITC) subsidiary. We were able to record these results and meet our financial guidance for the year, despite minimal contributions from Destination Therapy as Medicare reimbursement approval did not occur until the end of 2003.

Gaining Reimbursement

While the National Coverage Decision for Destination Therapy from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) came later than we had originally hoped, the other CMS initiatives that accompanied this Coverage Decision were highly encouraging.

The most important of these was the 30 percent increase in the base payment level under the reimbursement code covering Destination Therapy, DRG 525. In addition, the criteria for reimbursement qualification resulted in more than 60 centers being certified initially by Medicare for Destination Therapy. These centers have accounted for the vast majority of all VAD procedures done in the U.S.

Finally, CMS made the effective date for reimbursement retroactive to October 1 of 2003. Given the required center-by-center certification process, this had little impact on Destination Therapy activity during the balance of the year. However, we believe it sent a very encouraging message about CMS’ belief in our technology and the need to serve these patients who have no other treatment alternatives.

Given that the majority of Destination Therapy patients will be covered by Medicare, the National Coverage Decision was critical to the development of the market. We have also been successful in securing coverage from private payers, including nearly half of the nation’s local Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans, Aetna, PacifiCare and others.

We continue to work with our clinicians and CMS to obtain future reimbursement that is commensurate with the actual cost of the procedure. However, it is important to remember that under Medicare guidelines, many centers will receive reimbursement significantly beyond the base rate, based on their location and other factors.

At the same time, through device enhancements and improved implant procedures, we believe we are seeing progress in reducing the cost of the procedure by lowering the incidence of adverse events and improving patient outcomes. Contributing to these improving patient outcomes are the many lessons learned from the REMATCH trial regarding patient selection and management. Additionally, the HeartMate XVE—an enhanced version of the HeartMate LVAS that incorporates a number of improvements based on the REMATCH trial—was approved for Destination Therapy during the year. We have already seen marked improvements in the patient experience through the use of the XVE.

To complement the device improvements we have made and those planned for the future, we have also implemented training initiatives to ensure that surgeons are able to employ best practices that are improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. These market education efforts will be an important element of Thoratec’s Heart Hope program, which is designed to create a solid infrastructure for the development and orderly rollout of the Destination Therapy market.

Progress on Many Fronts

While we have focused a great deal of attention and corporate resources on the Destination Therapy opportunity, we have not lessened our emphasis on the Company’s other product development programs and business activities.

Key milestones included receiving approval to market the Thoratec IVAD (Implantable Ventricular Assist Device) in Europe and concluding a highly successful clinical trial for the device in the U.S. We filed for FDA approval in early 2004 and hope to begin marketing the IVAD in the U.S. later this year. With its approval, we will have four approved ventricular assist devices in the U.S., significantly more than our competitors.

Another important achievement was FDA approval for home discharge for the Thoratec TLC-II Portable VAD Driver, a lightweight device used to power the Thoratec VAD System. Patients supported by the Thoratec VAD, and later this year the IVAD, may leave the hospital to recover at home, providing a higher quality of life and reducing the cost of care.

Late in the year, we launched the U.S. trial for the HeartMate II, our next generation design intended for long-term cardiac support for patients who are in end-stage heart failure. It is the Company’s first axial flow device to enter human trials in the U.S. As of early 2004, we had enrolled several patients in the U.S. trial—with highly encouraging results—and also initiated enrollment in our European trial for the device. We also made progress in our development program for the Company’s HeartMate III, our third generation device designed to provide long-term support, potentially more than ten years. We are completing product design activities and plan to have the device in clinical trials in 2005.

ITC, our point-of-care diagnostics business, continues to perform beyond our expectations. For the second consecutive year, ITC recorded annual revenue growth in the range of 15 percent. ITC’s ProTime Microcoagulation System and HEMOCHRON Signature Plus products gained share in their respective markets, and two new products—the Hgb Pro and HEMOCHRON Response RxDx—received solid market acceptance in their inaugural year.

ITC’s product lines complement our VAD offerings and enhance our presence in the cardiac surgery market, and we have continued to invest in its growth. As part of this strategy, we purchased the IRMA TRUpoint blood analysis system product line.

The IRMA TRUpoint system provides intermittent testing of a broad range of critical care tests, including blood gases in the operating room or at the patient’s bedside. We have started to realize tremendous synergies in sales and marketing, as well as new product development. The success of its existing products, combined with the integration of IRMA TRUpoint and planned new product introductions, portends a continued positive outlook for ITC.

We continued to gain market share with our Vectra VAG (Vascular Access Graft), which provides access to the bloodstream for patients undergoing hemodialysis. The Vectra is among the leading devices in its sector, and our marketing partner has been able to command premium pricing.

As we announced in early 2004, we have decided to discontinue development work on the Aria CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) device, based on the ongoing and significant challenges we faced in its clinical development and the compelling opportunities available in the assist device arena. Since we viewed the device as a long-term market opportunity at best, this decision has had no impact on our near-term revenue outlook.

Thoratec ended the year in an excellent financial position, as cash and investments increased by more than 35 percent to $103 million, and we have continued to enhance the breadth and depth of our management team. We are well positioned to further our standing as an advanced medical technology company through internal resources as well as potential partnerships, joint ventures and acquisitions.

A Bright Future

Destination Therapy represents a market of vast potential for Thoratec. We are uniquely positioned to capitalize on this market, which is not only sizeable, but one that we expect to have to ourselves for the foreseeable future. We have the tools necessary to build both a strong franchise as it develops and to maintain a formidable position when Destination Therapy competition does appear ultimately later this decade.

However, we also recognize that this is a market that will develop over time and will be dependent on the development of ever improving devices, better patient outcomes and a more favorable reimbursement environment. As has been true in the past, our ability to execute and deliver will be paramount, and we hope that shareholders will embrace our long-term view of this opportunity.

Destination Therapy and the tremendous progress we are making on the development of next generation devices present a significant opportunity for Thoratec. All of us at the Company look forward to reporting on our future progress in the months and years ahead.

President and Chief Executive Officer

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