Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity

(in thousands except per share amounts)
Additional on Available Total
Common Stock Paid-in Retained For Sale Treasury Stockholders'
Three years ended March 31, 1996 Shares Amount Capital Earnings Securities Stock Equity

Balance at March 31, 1993 70,272 $703 $74,520 $ 65,494 --- $(l7,418) $123,299
Issuance of common shares
under employee stock plans 1,386 14 5,869 --- --- --- 5,883
Tax benefit from exercise of
stock options --- --- 2,417 --- --- --- 2,417
Net income --- --- --- 41,279 --- --- 41,279

Balance at March 31, 1994 71,658 717 82,806 106,773 --- (17,418) 172,878
Reissuance of Treasury Stock
under employee stock plans --- --- (507) --- --- 9,195 8,688
Tax benefit from exercise of
stock options --- --- 3,456 --- --- --- 3,456
Unrealized loss on available-for-
sale securities, net of tax --- --- --- --- (329) --- (329)
Net income --- --- --- 59,278 --- --- 59,278

Balance at March 31, 1995 71,658 717 85,755 166,051 (329) (8,223) 243,971
Issuance of common shares
under employee stock plans 275 2 2,070 --- --- --- 2,072
Reissuance of Treasury Stock
under employee stock plans --- --- 3,856 --- --- 8,223 12,079
Tax benefit from exercise of
stock options --- --- 7,907 --- --- --- 7,907
Unrealized gain on available-for-
sale securities, net of tax --- --- --- --- 761 --- 761
Net income --- --- --- 101,454 --- --- 101,454

Balance at March 31, 1996 71,933 $719 $ 99,588 $ 267,505 $432 $ --- $368,244

See accompanying notes.

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