Responsible Care: Good Chemistry at Work

Crompton manufacturing facilities in Geismar and Taft, Louisiana "are doing things right" in the way they manage their Responsible Care® programs, according to a Management Systems Verification (MSV) team from the American Chemistry Council (ACC).

In October 2000, a team from the ACC, which included community representatives from Louisiana and a chemical industry representative from Praxair, traveled to Geismar and Taft.

The team deemed Geismar's safety and environmental training program, Taft's safety check-off lists and Crompton's toll manufacturer selection process as Responsible Care Examples of Excellence.

The MSV included panel discussions about various processes and interviews with employees about the Responsible Care program. The team looked at how Crompton handles transportation of products, practices product stewardship, reaches out to the public from the corporate to the plant level, and deals with distributors, purchasing partners, contractors, and carriers from environmental, health and safety standpoints.

As a member of the American Chemistry Council, Crompton is committed to Responsible Care. More information about the program is available on the Council's Web site at