On Day One of an acquisition, veteran "ambassador" employees from U.S. Bank travel to new branches to welcome new employees and to share the corporate culture of outstanding customer service, peak performance and accountability. Here, Sadegh Madjd-Sadjadi, right, Branch Manager, U.S. Bank Sunnyvale and U.S. Bank Ambassador for the Downey Los Altos office, and Rosie Ezrre', Branch Sales Manager, Downey Savings Bank, show they're confident about the new partnership!
The best strategies, products and rates mean little without engaged, motivated, high quality employees. U.S. Bancorp is fortunate to have such employees.
In 2008, we conducted our first-ever all-employee survey. The response rate was extraordinary and the responses candid. We were especially pleased that employees gave high scores to four key areas — respect and trust for managers at all levels; understanding the role they play in our success; feeling valued as an employee and knowing their role in serving customers.
New development programs include MentorConnect, a self-directed program that connects employees across the Company using an innovative web-based tool which facilitates both distance and face-to-face interaction. Also, Leader Forums, regularly scheduled interactive conference calls, covering a wide variety of career development issues, were established to ensure that a new generation of U.S. Bank leaders is prepared.
New in 2009 for employees is Harvard ManageMentor, a new desktop-handy, at-your-fingertips interactive resource from the Harvard Business Library for new and experienced managers at all levels.
Among the most satisfying initiatives in 2008 was the launch of the first U.S. Bank Veterans and Military Personnel Recognition program. Each service person received a special U.S. Bank "Proud to Serve" lapel pin and a certificate acknowledging their service, and they participated in a special recognition conference call.
U.S. Bank holds regular events for our "alumni," retired and other former employees. We currently have 10,000 active alumni, including 250 who retired with more than 25 years of service. These events help former employees reconnect with the bank and former colleagues and gives them another reason to act as ambassadors for U.S. Bank. Our oldest known alumnus attending events is William Osterman, 98, who attends Cincinnati events.