The Company maintains pension plans covering substantially
all of its full-time employees for its U.S. operations
and a majority of its international operations. Several plans
provide pension benefits based primarily on years of service
and employees' earnings. In certain instances, the
Company adjusts benefits in connection with international
employee transfers.
Retirement Growth Account Plan (U.S.)
The Retirement Growth Account Plan is a trust-based,
noncontributory qualified defined benefit pension plan.
The Company's funding policy consists of an annual contribution
at a rate that provides for future plan benefits
and maintains appropriate funded percentages. Such
contribution is not less than the minimum required by the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended, ("ERISA") and subsequent pension legislation
and is not more than the maximum amount deductible for
income tax purposes.
Restoration Plan (U.S.)
The Company also has an unfunded, non-qualified domestic
noncontributory pension Restoration Plan to provide
benefits in excess of Internal Revenue Code limitations.
International Pension Plans
The Company maintains International Pension Plans, the
most significant of which are defined benefit pension
plans. The Company's funding policies for these plans are
determined by local laws and regulations.
Post-retirement Benefits
The Company maintains a domestic post-retirement
benefit plan which provides certain medical and dental
benefits to eligible employees. Employees hired after
January 1, 2002 are not eligible for retiree medical benefits when they retire. Certain retired employees who are
receiving monthly pension benefits are eligible for participation
in the plan. Contributions required and benefits
received by retirees and eligible family members are
dependent on the age of the retiree. It is the Company's
practice to fund these benefits as incurred.
Certain of the Company's international subsidiaries
and affiliates have post-retirement plans, although most
participants are covered by government-sponsored or
administered programs.
Plan Summaries
In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 158,
"Employers' Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and
Other Postretirement Plans, an amendment of FASB
Statements No. 87, 106, and 132(R)" ("SFAS No. 158").
SFAS No. 158 requires employers to recognize a net
liability or asset and an offsetting adjustment to accumulated
other comprehensive income to report the funded
status of defined benefit pension and other post-retirement
benefit plans. Previous standards required employers
to disclose the complete funded status of its plans only
in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Changes in the funded status of these plans will be
recognized as they occur through other comprehensive
income. Additional minimum liability adjustments are no
longer recognized upon adoption of SFAS No. 158. As of
June 30, 2007, the Company prospectively adopted the
balance sheet recognition provisions of SFAS No. 158.
The incremental effect of applying SFAS No. 158 on individual
line items in the Company's consolidated balance
sheet is summarized below:
Additionally, SFAS No. 158 requires employers to measure plan assets and obligations at their year-end balance sheet
date. The Company's principal pension and post-retirement benefit plans are measured as of June 30; therefore, the
measurement provisions of SFAS No. 158 did not affect the Company's existing valuation practices. The adoption of
SFAS No. 158 did not impact the consolidated statements of earnings or the Company's financial debt covenant.
Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income as of June 30, 2007 are as follows:
Amounts in accumulated other comprehensive income expected to be amortized as components of net periodic benefit
cost during fiscal 2008 are as follows:
The significant components of the above mentioned plans as of and for the years ended June 30 are summarized
as follows:
In determining the long-term rate of return for a plan, the Company considers the historical rates of return, the nature of
the plan's investments and an expectation for the plan's investment strategies.
Assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the health care plans.
The assumed weighted-average health care cost trend rate for the coming year is 9.66% while the ultimate trend rate of
4.50% is expected to be reached in fiscal 2015. A one-percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates
for fiscal 2007 would have had the following effects:
The projected benefit obligation, accumulated benefit obligation, fair value of plan assets and the other comprehensive
(income) loss due to change in minimum liability recognition for the Company's pension plans at June 30 are as follows:
International pension plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of the plans' assets had aggregate projected
benefit obligations of $96.4 million and $86.8 million, aggregate accumulated benefit obligations of $81.2 million
and $73.2 million and aggregate fair value of plan assets of $35.3 million and $31.7 million at June 30, 2007 and 2006,
The target asset allocation policy was set to maximize returns with consideration to the long-term nature of the obligations
and maintaining a lower level of overall volatility through the allocation to fixed income. During the year, the asset
allocation is reviewed for adherence to the target policy and is rebalanced periodically towards the target weights.
401(k) Savings Plan (U.S.)
The Company's 401(k) Savings Plan ("Savings Plan") is a
contributory defined contribution plan covering substantially
all regular U.S. employees who have completed the
hours and service requirements, as defined by the plan
document. Regular full-time employees are eligible to participate
in the Savings Plan on the first day of the second
month following their date of hire. During fiscal 2007, the
Savings Plan was enhanced to accelerate new regular full-time
employee eligibility, to increase the rate of Company
contributions and to provide an automatic enrollment
feature. The Savings Plan is subject to the applicable
provisions of ERISA. The Company matches a portion of
the participant's contributions after one year of service
under a predetermined formula based on the participant's
contribution level. The Company's contributions were
approximately $13.7 million, $10.6 million and $9.8 million
for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2007, 2006 and
2005, respectively. Shares of the Company's Class A
Common Stock are not an investment option in the
Savings Plan and the Company does not use such shares
to match participants' contributions.
Deferred Compensation
The Company accrues for deferred compensation and
interest thereon, and for the increase in the value of share
units pursuant to agreements with certain key executives
and outside directors. The amounts included in the
accompanying consolidated balance sheets under these
plans were $69.6 million and $71.0 million as of June 30,
2007 and 2006. The expense for fiscal 2007, 2006 and
2005 was $8.5 million, $11.6 million and $10.2 million,