Marriott International, Inc. 2009 Annual Report
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Financial Review

Risk Factors
Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
Financial Statments
Notes to Financial Statements
Shareholder Return Performance Graph -- Unaudited
Quarterly Financial Data
Selected Historical Financial Data
Non-GAAP Financial Measure Reconciliation
Management's Reports
Reports of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
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We made no significant acquisitions or dispositions in 2009.

2008 Acquisitions
At year-end 2007, we were party to a venture that developed and marketed fractional ownership and residential products. In 2008, we purchased our partner's interest in that joint venture together with additional land. Cash consideration for this transaction totaled $42 million and we acquired assets and liabilities totaling $80 million and $38 million, respectively, on the date of purchase. In 2008, we also purchased real estate for a timeshare project for a total purchase price of approximately $63 million. Cash consideration totaled approximately $39 million, and non-current liabilities recorded as a result of this transaction were $24 million. In addition, in 2008, we purchased real estate for another timeshare project for cash consideration of $47 million. Also in 2008, we purchased units in an existing building for our timeshare operations for cash consideration of approximately $14 million. We also purchased real estate for another timeshare project for $28 million. Cash consideration totaled approximately $27 million, and we acquired assets and liabilities totaling $28 million and $1 million, respectively, on the date of purchase.

2008 Dispositions
In 2008, we sold, at book value, two limited-service properties and two land parcels for cash proceeds of $33 million, and we received a $22 million equity interest in the entity that purchased one of the land parcels. We accounted for each of the sales under the full accrual method in accordance with accounting for sales of real estate and each property will continue to operate under our brands pursuant to management or franchise agreements. Also, in 2008, we sold our interest in an entity that leases four hotels. In conjunction with that transaction, we received cash proceeds totaling $5 million, and the sales price of the investment approximated its book value.

2007 Acquisitions
During 2007, we acquired one full-service property, one limited-service property, and one extended-stay property for cash consideration of $199 million. These three properties were acquired in conjunction with a land assemblage for a large hotel complex that is still in the formative development stage. In addition, we acquired certain land parcels in 2007 for cash consideration of $52 million. Also during 2007, we acquired the fee simple interest in the improvements of three properties and the leasehold interest in the ground underlying the three properties for cash consideration of $58 million. The purchase included one full-service property and two limited-service properties, which were each sold later in the same year.

During the first half of 2007, we were party to a venture that developed and marketed fractional ownership and residential interests. In the second half of 2007, we purchased our partner's interest in the joint venture for $6 million. In conjunction with that transaction, we acquired assets and liabilities totaling $90 million and $84 million, respectively, on the date of the purchase. During the first half of 2007, we were party to another venture that was established to develop and market timeshare and residential interests. In the second half of 2007, we purchased our partner's interest in that joint venture, and concurrent with this transaction, we purchased additional land and assets from our partner as well. Aggregate cash and notes payable issued for these transactions totaled $106 million, and we acquired assets and liabilities totaling $182 million and $76 million, respectively, on the date of purchase.

2007 Dispositions
In 2007, we sold nine properties for cash proceeds of $601 million and recognized gains totaling $24 million. We continue to operate eight of the nine properties under long-term agreements. We sold two parcels of land for $55 million in cash proceeds that were under development and recognized a gain of $2 million. We also sold the fee simple interest in the improvements of three properties and the leasehold interest in the ground underlying the three properties, initially acquired in early 2007, for book value and received $58 million in cash proceeds. We continue to manage the properties under long-term agreements. We accounted for each of the foregoing sales under the full accrual method in accordance with the accounting for sales of real estate. During the year, we also sold our interests in five joint ventures for cash proceeds of $30 million and recognized gains totaling $13 million. We had other asset sales during the year, which generated proceeds totaling $1 million. Cash flows totaling $745 million for all the preceding dispositions in 2007 are reflected in the "Dispositions" line in our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

In 2007, we also sold land that was under development. Due to a contingency in the sales contract, we accounted for this sale under the deposit method in accordance with the accounting for sales of real estate. Accordingly, the cash proceeds, totaling $90 million, were reflected in "Other investing activities" in our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. In 2008, the contingency was resolved and we recorded a gain of $1 million.

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